Should go alright in a 303 then?
Should go alright in a 303 then?
Only recovered one monolithic bullet from my 416 (strange that) from a cattle beast. 350gr barnes x point. back 99ish.
Only a lower speed fireforming type load but still useable. I would only be guessing 2000fps or there-abouts especially compared to my later chronied 340grs at 2500+ going by recoil-definitely not as robust in that department.
Angling shot just in front or back leg raked through gut bag and lungs while it was trotting away and dropped it onto its side, no more than 50meters away. Looked impressive.
Later when being butchered projectile was found in the neck. Just started to flatten out and close to maybe 5/8 diameter-no more.
Just enough to start a mushroom but not enough to stop it going 4-5 feet through the animal. Speed does help with them by the looks-that would've been the equivalent of a full load maybe 200+ meters away.
Same projectile/load put 2 bullets overlapping and one just out for an under 3/4 inch 3 shot group at 100yrds during sighting in so that was good and shot it into some wood blocks at 30m to check-full beautiful mushrooms and lost bugger all weight.
Lost the bloody thing through a hole in my pocket-spewing, although I still have one of the ones I killed the wood with.
I'd buy more of those if they came up cheap but don't do enough with the old girl to warrant it really lol
thinking of getting some 8mm as well, shit now i might need to get .303 lol
Muckos Shooting accessories and engineering https://www.facebook.com/aimnzengineering/
I tried the ttsx 110gr in a 7mm 08 at around 3200fps and found it a bit of a waste of time as it didn't kill quickly on reds or goats, also have used the 140 ttsx at same speed in a rem mag and had similer issues resulting in some long distance finds. all animals shot though have been 250yrd+ so not sure on closer range, have ended up just going back to nosler BTs or hornady. just my experiance tho.
You should easily get over 3000fps with 20 inch and 130gr ttsx
They really work well 0-300m if driven fast...over 3000fps is good.
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