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Thread: My 260AI Load Development Begins

  1. #151
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tikka7mm08 View Post
    Thanks @R93 - so will necksize this latest brass and see if it the bolt closes nicely. If not sign there is too much pressure, ie headcase expansion?
    I would measure the case head with a mic. Anything over .0005 over from a new case I would keep an eye on.

    In saying that I could get away with 46grns of RL17 in my rifle.
    I stopped using it because it was a prick to get when you needed it.
    Do you have a body die?

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  2. #152
    Member Tikka7mm08's Avatar
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    Ok. I just went through all brass. TBH I hadn't kept them in batches for refiring - lesson learnt. 11 tight bolt after neck sizing, 16 AOK. I then FL sized the tight ones but it made no difference, still tight bolt, so they are in the bin.

    I don't have body die? I have kilos of RE17.

    I might drop back to 44gn and see how I go...? Or when firing a fireformed case with 260AI for first time check case head with mic...? I measured a new Lapua case and it is 11.91mm - the NS case are all 11.91mm and 11.92 with 1 case at 11.94mm. My Mitutoyo only goes 2 DP in metric and 3 DP in imperial...do I need something much flasher to measure 0.0005 (mm?)??

  3. #153
    Member Mathias's Avatar
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    Check that those tight cases don't have ejector marks on the base by primer, these will be proud and make your brass longer to the shoulder and may cause a tight fit. If so then that's a sign of over pressure.

  4. #154
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tikka7mm08 View Post
    Ok. I just went through all brass. TBH I hadn't kept them in batches for refiring - lesson learnt. 11 tight bolt after neck sizing, 16 AOK. I then FL sized the tight ones but it made no difference, still tight bolt, so they are in the bin.

    I don't have body die? I have kilos of RE17.

    I might drop back to 44gn and see how I go...? Or when firing a fireformed case with 260AI for first time check case head with mic...? I measured a new Lapua case and it is 11.91mm - the NS case are all 11.91mm and 11.92 with 1 case at 11.94mm. My Mitutoyo only goes 2 DP in metric and 3 DP in imperial...do I need something much flasher to measure 0.0005 (mm?)??
    No sorry to confuse.
    I am a dinosaur and still use imperial when it comes to reloading.😆
    Also case head expansion is the best way to indicate max pressure in an Ackley Imo.

    You don't want to see much case head expansion at all. .0127 mm is .0005 inches.
    Best done with a blade mic or an accurate vernier but I use a normal mic and mark my case for a 12 o'clock and measure the same place each time.
    .260 Ackley will be around max pressure at around .0005 inches or .0127mm in my experience.

    A body die would likely have given you a few more goes out of the brass you binned until it wouldnt hold a primer.

    Drop the load back as you said and see how you go.
    I get 2930ish with 140 class projectiles but have not tried the bergers.
    I get around 8 goes out of a case before I have to bin so I am still on the slightly hot side for my barrel.

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  5. #155
    Member Tikka7mm08's Avatar
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    OK gotch...thanks @R93

  6. #156
    Member Tikka7mm08's Avatar
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    Just bought a body die...hadn't needed one before.

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  7. #157
    Member Tikka7mm08's Avatar
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    So the body die didn't seem to bring the tight brass back in the spec. I set it so it was firm bump of shell holder and die. I got Quickload and it suggests my 45gn RE17 is too hot...which is what my brass is telling me. I am looking at getting a Whidden hydraulic die too just to avoid fireforming brass, as I find that a waste of time and money (I only want to shoot FF loads now).

  8. #158
    R93 is offline
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    My body die will still bring them to chamber after 8 or so firings but they won't hold a primer well enough.

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  9. #159
    Member wsm junkie's Avatar
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    I had to shave 20 thou off my shell holder to get my body die to work for my 7mm08AI.
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  10. #160
    Member Mathias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wsm junkie View Post
    I had to shave 20 thou off my shell holder to get my body die to work for my 7mm08AI.
    Pretty sure Redding state something about using the correct shell holder for their body too, for this very reason.

  11. #161
    Member Tikka7mm08's Avatar
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    That would make sense...my shell holder is pretty slim compared to LNL case center one but obviously not enough.

  12. #162
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  13. #163
    Member Mathias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tikka7mm08 View Post
    I see these are + on thickness, wouldn't you want to go - on thickness so it allows you to engage the case further into the die? Or have I got this completely wrong?

  14. #164
    Member Tikka7mm08's Avatar
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    aw fark...I thought they were - and +

    I need -.

  15. #165
    Member Mathias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tikka7mm08 View Post
    aw fark...I thought they were - and +

    I need -.
    While it may read + on the shell holder, I think it really means -

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