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Thread: Neck die trouble shooting

  1. #16
    Member diana2's Avatar
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    I used a different brand shell holder once with the Lee neck sizer and because of a slightly different thickness, the cases didn't size properly.
    Went back to the Lee shell holder and everything worked just fine.
    Or you can stay within 300 yards and keep life a lot simpler.

  2. #17
    i use lee and hornady neck sizers havnt had any problems with either

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Sideshow View Post
    So still can’t find a solution.
    I’m going to buy this The Type S – Bushing Style Dies, Competition Seating and Neck Sizing Dies. Anyone got one? How do you find them?
    I have f/l s type die with comp seater for 6.5-284. Works great. Got the carbide bushing to go with it. I especially like the mic seating, it makes adjusting depth so easy. I don't have a concentricity gauge so couldn't say exactly how good it and my reloading are.
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  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    I use the Redding competition bushing neck die and turn necks to 14 thou to even them up then neck size for 2 thou of tension. I don’t have a concentricity gauge either but typically get single digit ES and well below MOA groups, so it’s good enough for me.

    Good luck.
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  5. #20
    Join Date
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    New Zealand
    Push harder. And spin the case around and run it through the die a second time..again applying lots of pressure

  6. #21
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisW View Post
    Push harder. And spin the case around and run it through the die a second time..again applying lots of pressure
    Yes, also my recommendation.

    I have a mixture of Redding Comp, Wilson and Whidden dies but recently I picked up a Lee Collet die to try for giggles.

    It is certainly a tad different to use. However, I have found it induces equal or less runout that the flagship dies.

    I think the instructions say put something like 25 pounds of force on the press handle. This is difficult to guess so what I did was set the die down in the press so that the press would just cam over. Lee recommend against doing this IIRC. As Chris says, rotate the case and press it again. The purist will not like the ridgy marks it leaves on the neck.

    The amount of neck sizing can be crudely adjusted by polishing the mandrel.

    You can also put too much force on the die which I did and it started to bell the bush that contracts the petals to the point it bound in the die and I had to take to it with a small file. Don't operate the die without a case, it bends the petals.

    Another area this die may struggle to size is springback with crisp many times fired brass. I don't think this is the issue with the OP though.

  7. #22
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Thanks guys!
    Yep was doing the spin thing on the cases. No luck
    Haven’t changed anything that I can see. So no on the shell holder. Also removed it to see if any grit had gotten under this...nope
    Don’t really want to Falk out for another neck die. Also not really interested in full length. Might have to if it continues though
    It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
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  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    There is a real fine point at which the die / press work together, I would try with it a little more.

    I have used all the name brands with bushings, and initially tried a collet die in 260 caliber .... hated it, popped the top off and stripped the ali threads. went back to a bushing die.

    New rifle caliber cometh and rather than go through all the bushing drama first off I went with collet die...... excellent results, run out is in the .05 mm range typically and often at . 02.......... thats MM not thou !
    No neck turning required but using good cases.

    It can be worth it!

    I too have my ram set to cam over, but I get no ridges ... i do do the 90' rotation. Luckily now it is set up I can leave it in the tool head and it never moves.
    There is an issue with different neck thickness, when I used some w cases that are at about 12 thou the pressure wasnt enough to squeeze them, so they got the F/L treatment instead.
    The Lapua cases sit at about 14 thou from memory.
    So obviously there is a correlation there.
    Last edited by johnd; 27-11-2019 at 03:21 PM.
    zimmer, Sideshow and Steelisreal like this.



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