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  • 1 Post By DLW
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Thread: neck size die question

  1. #1

    neck size die question

    ive got a lee collet neck die i use for 6.5x55 i was told i cant use this on 6.506 is this true

  2. #2
    ebf is offline
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    The 6506 case is longer right ?

    Can't see why it would not work. Worth a try and see what it does to the case. You'd need to set up the die so that it is high.
    Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute

  3. #3
    Yea thats what i was thinking if it only does the neck

  4. #4
    DLW is offline
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    I may be wrong here, but my understanding of a Lee collet die is that you need the shell holder to push on the die to ingauge the collet, so if the case is longer than intended the collet system wouldn't work?
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  5. #5
    Member Mathias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DLW View Post
    I may be wrong here, but my understanding of a Lee collet die is that you need the shell holder to push on the die to ingauge the collet, so if the case is longer than intended the collet system wouldn't work?
    Correct. You will munt your '06 case in one fowl swing of the press lever. You need the correct collet die for the job and given that the 6.5-06 is not commercial, it will be a custom.
    DLW likes this.

  6. #6
    Ok so a hornady it is then



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