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Thread: New barrel vs New rifle conundrum

  1. #16
    Member Land Rover's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Top of the South Island, New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by ebf View Post
    By how much ? Can you fold a sheet of laser printer paper in half and slide that all the way to the action ?

    Other thing to look for is maybe some oil got in between your action and bedding ?

    Curious that it only does it when hot.
    Yep totally free floating, the old barrel heats up then throws the projectiles all over the show.
    Any way my gun smith is getting a new barrel for me. Chrome moly 26" 1 in10 twist. 25-06 rem
    He was keen at 24" but I want it longer as I can always dock it 2 inches later if it is too cumbersome.
    Will let you know how it shoots. (could be a while). In the mean time my 25-303 will get a bit of use.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Hmmmm - free floating isn't always the answer. As I understand it if a barrel has any stress in it then when it heats up it moves to release the stress, just like any metal.

    I have a very accurate rifle with a light barrel that likes upward pressure at the fore-end.

    Its really easy to test, just fill the gap with some card and shoot some groups with different thicknesses. If it works with card replace it with filler.


  3. #18
    Shut up and Shoot
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    Upper Hutt
    I have new M17 barrels in 30-06 if that helps. $430.

  4. #19
    Member Land Rover's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    Top of the South Island, New Zealand
    Hi Guys

    I had a look down my old barrel with a bore scope. And though to the naked eye my barrel looked bright and shiny, the bore scope showed up pitting all the way down.
    It is an old barrel and I don't know its history. So this may explain why it has been erratic with groups and heating up quickly etc. Any way my new barrel should be at my gunsmiths any day now. It does show the value of a bore scope, especially when buying a second hand rifle.

    cheers LR



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