Chrony has been sent to @MGNZ today
Chrony has been sent to @MGNZ today
Can i hop next in line for chrony, put me on the list cheers
I am sending it on Monday to Monk after I go to the range on Sunday.
Current waiting list is:
1) @Monk
2) @Danny
3) @NewbieZAR
4) @XBoltstalker
Maybe @onamission and @Boar Freak slot in the middle there somewhere. Anyway, I'm sending it to @Monk next.
whats the latest on chrony, thanks guys
Was sent to @NewbieZAR last Thursday
anyone in the NP area, I have a chrony you may borrow
after a coffee or such to make sure you not some tosser with his arse hanging out of his strides.
so to speak.
i got it yesterday, cheers monk
Never got that PM, just looking now i see that xboltstalker is actually in line before shahin.
Send me your addy mate ill send it, can propably drop off in you in jafaville
If you can't kill it with bullets, dont f*ck with it.
@NewbieZAR Mate any chance of communication? Been a couple of months waiting for it...