As per title, can someone please tell me if they are reloadable and if so, are the process the same as brass?
Thank you in advance.
As per title, can someone please tell me if they are reloadable and if so, are the process the same as brass?
Thank you in advance.
Thank you @Ryan, reading the article i think i will give it a miss, i cant afford yet to "trash" my die just because "I can".
This question has come up on a few times. The answer has always been the same - it scratches the die.
I had some winchester nickel that I reloaded for 280 and 300wsm. Managed 2 reloads then started getting split necks and couldnt be stuffed annealing so chucked them. I hadnt considered damage to dies.
If anyone want 43X 7mm Rem mag Winchester nickel cases just pay $9 for shipping and it is yours.
pm sent.
Looks like someone knows the scrap price for nickel!