theres hope for you yet just rebarrel your 270 to 6,5 06 now we are talking cool
theres hope for you yet just rebarrel your 270 to 6,5 06 now we are talking cool
As mentioned the lee handpress works pretty well. I was suprised at how light it is, when the box turned up I was worried they had sent it empty.
My setup, all fits in about 15L of a 30L day pack,( 50cal ammo can not part of the setup btw). This is my entire setup these days, I don't have a bench mounted press anymore. I only load 357 for myself but the press can handle 308, 270 and 30-30 for other family members. The clear plastic box fits everything else in it: dies, digital scale, funnels, mtm ammo box, hand primer, cleaning kit, bullet puller, cases and projectiles etc.
Last edited by sixtus; 17-10-2019 at 01:47 AM.
1913 256 newton started it hand press might be the way to go if you already have dies but i even without a lee loader it will become a bit tedious my job has fuked my hands so id go the lee if they make it in 270
I started out with a Lee handloading press and it works great. The only thing I wish is that the handle was a bit beefier and slightly longer for a better grip. I think for a lot of purposes these Lee hand presses work well. I still keep mine around for various tasks.
I inherited a Lyman 310 hand tool with a set of 243 dies that I used before buying then breaking a "C" press and then getting a proper bench mounted press.
Do still use the 310 from time to time, particularly if I'm only doing a small number of rounds or seating some primers. Beats assembling the Lyman E-Zee prime
Any one got a set of 358win or 223 dies for a 310 hand tool they would consider selling.
My only question is how do you measure your powder accurately if you are in the field.
Last edited by ZQLewis; 18-10-2019 at 11:02 PM.
Managed to score a set of 310 dies in 222, last year.
I was going to import them from the 310 Shop, in the states.
Keep looking, they come up on Trade Me every now and then.
He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.
You depart with mighty boasts, but you come back having done little.
Sounds like a typical hunting trip !
You could pre measure powder before you go and put in aome kind of small container
A small container made of brass with a lead stopper in the top....
Have been thinking on how to get a reloading set up mounted to the tow ball, its a 4hr round trip for me to go to the range over winter so never end up going. Would be nice to be able to take a press scale etc in the vehicle but dont see the benefits of taking a press when out in the bush
Only reason I'm considering taking a press into the bush is that I'd like to carry a few hundred rounds, but I'm not keen on carrying the same quantity of brass (dead weight). I'd rather carry 20 pieces of brass and just reload them.
I'm considering buying some 4 gram capacity sugar sachets - the ones you get at cafes with your morning coffee.I could fill them up with pre-measured powder, then seal them shut. Because they're stiff and slender, it should make pouring powder into cases a breeze (especially if I take a small plastic funnel).
The paper sachets can then be burned/used as fire starters.
Just one idea.
Or those tiny bags the dealers use
@berg243 just dies or the hand press thingy as well?
@csmiffy, I’ve got a spare set of handles, if they’re of any use to you.
He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.
You depart with mighty boasts, but you come back having done little.
Sounds like a typical hunting trip !
I read of someone using pre weighed powder into glass test tubes. Could be ok if you have access to them. But if going bush just use lee dippers.