yea i need to get a bit more consistant with my shooting position and natural point of aim
yea i need to get a bit more consistant with my shooting position and natural point of aim
Put your ruler over that six shot group northdude and let us know , looks a cracker to me.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
i dont have the target anymore the marks are an inch apart so its roughly an inch group id like it better if it looked like the 3 shot group the other 2 shots outside that group were when i was sighting it in
Your data for the 57.5gr H1000 is a very good match to the QuickLOAD prediction for your 25" barrel length, powder, bullet, CoL, and for the MV you recorded. This is helpful as it tends to indicate that QuickLOAD would continue to provide good predictions for your particular rifle as the variables are changed. By the way your peak pressure on that load is predicted as 59.2kPSI.
Whatever pressure signs you are seeing on the Norma cases are likely to show up again to the same degree at the same predicted peak pressure. We can use QuickLOAD then to predict what the other powders would deliver for the same peak pressure - other variables held constant: 2213sc-53.6gr-2920ft/sec, N560-54.6gr-3010ft/sec, Re-22-54.1gr-2985ft/sec.
Other than your H1000 load looking like it might be quite compressed, if you can fit it in the case OK then it looks to be the optimal ADI powder for the 6.5-06 + 140gr
Yes 3100ft/sec is predicted as achievable by QuickLOAD in a 25" barrel, but peak pressure must be increased to 65kPSI+, something your Norma cases might not appreciate.
It's hard to concentrate on 5 let alone 6
This is the reason that for L/Development I use 4,One to fuck it up and the others to give me a reasonable idea.
Over the years I've had too many L/D 5 shot groups that I've discarded for no reason that on reflection now were simply anxiety, I mean as a shooter how many times have you had a three/ four shot group that looks great and thought , don't fuck this up ad you have, or maybe it's just me, I shoot off a bipod so I do L/d off a Bipod
Thats why I like your six shot group. That group is a wallabys vital zone to 700 meters at least .![]()
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
yea its a bit of a mind thing just when you think shit hot im shooting great today it all goes to shiti was shooting off a bipod for those targets then other days when you think its not all coming together you get a surprise when you walk down and check the target
Greetings Again Jakewire,
A load of crap, good description. The 6.5-06 is a long time wildcat that was popular in Australia and little if any of the data was pressure tested prior to the 1990's. Barrel interior dimensions are all over the map and the 140 grain projectiles are cranky with regards to pressure due to their length. Velocities of much over 3,000 fps simply can not be reached at sane pressures. You seem to have a good handle on this. 52 grains of AR2213SC produced 2,780 fps with a 22 inch barrel for me but only 2,630 fps in a 25 inch barrel for you and needed 2 more grains of powder to catch up. There is a system for estimating possible velocity for wildcat cases developed by John Barsness. Using this working up from the .260 Rem and down from the .264 Win Mag suggests a possible velocity of 2,950 fps for the 140 grain in the 6.5-06 for the softer projectiles. It will be less with the Nosler AB's and much less with the Barnes. looks like you are just about there. Hunting in 4 weeks?
Regards Grandpamac.
Greetings Again,
Forgot to mention in my post above that the prediction of possible velocity is for the most suitable powder only. Jakewire I know you know this, it's just for the benefit of any one else that reads the post.
Regards Grandpamac.