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Thread: Powder trickler advice

  1. #46
    Member Kurt's Avatar
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    Hawkes Bay
    I discovered last night (after buying a digital scale) that my Lee thrower fluctuates up to ~0.7 grain!

    Am now weighing every charge

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I'm finding regular (analogue?) thrower, onto digital scale with the trickler parked next to for topping up it is pretty quick, and a shitload cheaper.

  3. #48
    DAF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    Where do you go/what do you do with a case that doesn't feel like the others to seat?
    do you anneal regularly or even every firing and if so if you get a case that "feels" different to seat do you discard or anneal the whole batch or just that case or what ?

    Lots of us do the most that we can to keep stuff consistent (usually with initial brass prep) but what do you as a competitive shooter do with brass that feels "different" ?
    bin it/batch it/try and fix it?
    The cases that don't feel right get marked with a coloured marker and used for a first fouler if there is not many if a few they get marked put to the side and used to learn from. Eg try shooting a string with em and see what they do. I've found putting them to the side is a good move

    I don't have an annealing machine but have borrowed a mates
    It makes a difference and I have found for me, on the third firing it's time to anneal as this is my tipping point.

    Having a tight neck and running 2 thou clearance I believe helps with this as a once fired case I can't just push the bullet into the case (just my theory, I guessing there are lots out there)
    I kind of believe in consistent as possible neck tension, and I like it to feel like erm... Pushing a knife through soft butter (hope that makes sense lol)

    I also rotate through my cases evenly so each goes through a full rotation then back to the start so no case is more used then another.

    I'm making 300 x 7mm300WSM cases next week I can post up my process and tools if ya interested, a bit of work but I believe worth it for comps although it's become a habit with all my brass
    Kscott, veitnamcam, BRADS and 1 others like this.
    "Such is life..." - Ned Kelly

  4. #49
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Yes post it up I am sure many of us will be interested.
    Malhunting likes this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

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