I'm a convert to BoreTech C4 carbon remover. It pretty much just 'melts' hard carbon.
Wet a wool bore mop with the stuff, work it through the bore and then let it sit in the chamber to soak for 10 - 20 minutes. Whip a bore brush through and usually that's enough to do the job.
May need a second dose for a bad build up of carbon.
The new brew of Hoppes is not the old tried and true brew we all knew. It's a shadow of it's former self (but probably has less ingredients that 'may' harm you long term).
I've done a few barrels for fellow club members with their target .22 rimfires. Huge carbon rings in them, and accuracy was gone.
Showed them with my borescope what the lack of cleaning was doing. So many people have been told 'you don't need to clean a .22 rimfire, etc, etc'. Yes...you do need to clean it just as you should a centrefire.
The C4 is dear, but it works quickly and safely (and won't hurt your rifle).
I usually finish up with a light patch of Kroil to sit in the bore overnight, then a dry patch or two to get any rubbish the Kroil has loosened (and yes...Kroil is great stuff too).
Lightly oil the bore (with Ballistol) when I'm happy it's clean.