My understanding was IMR powders are made by General Dynamics in Canada. Has this now changed?
Hodgdon owns the IMR label only.
I read somewhere that the General Dynamic plant in Canada for the IMR recipes would be unable to operate in the USA due to safety issues in producing that type of powder??
Interestingly it is a total cock in QL with different characteristics for all of the 3 powders. Not the only ADI/Hodgdon powder that QL does that with.
Ive been playing with the Gordons reloading tool today, its quite neat, and free.
One question for the guru's...The calculated velocity is a bit different from measured. What variable/s should I tweak to get things to match?
Lots of red words and warning signs in my initial load setups, but it looks better once actual case capacity etc are entered.
check bullet length is actually as measured then adjust the "initial pressure"
Greetings All,
I have read through this thread with a bit of amusement and have a suggestion. Perhaps it would just be easier to load 38 grains of AR2206H behind the selected projectile and fire it over a chronograph. This will give the actual velocity in your rifle with your lot of powder and your projectiles. I used that load behind the 150 grain projectile and chronographed 2,380 fps in a 22 inch barrel, a nice soft target load. My rifle has a longish throat. With the lighter projectile and shorter barrel that would work out to about 2,350 fps. Hodgdon also published a load of 38 grains of H4895 (AR2206H) behind a 125 grain projectile for 2,592 fps in a 24 inch barrel. This works back to about 2,400 fps in a 16 inch barrel. The predictions of around 2,200 fps looks light to me. My load burnt a bit dirty but was nicely accurate. Cases could be neck sized forever just needing annealing from time to time.
Regards Grandpamac.
@Blair look along the top row, there is a feature called OBT which stands for Optimal Barrel Time.
In THEORY this gives accuracy nodes based on the harmonics of the barrel length.
Dont know how true it is, but is as good a place to start as any.