Jhon I fully agree with your method of training.
As I get more into this goose shooting lark, with center fire rifles, not shotguns, the more I realize rapid offhand shooting is essential.
Basically with geese you get one shot, perhaps two off the bipod then all he'll breaks loss and they are moving and the shooter is moving fast to keep them in sight, whilst finding a gap between tree to squeeze off.
This morning there were five geese on the grass and pond, I got all five with the 222 Remington. Only the first one was off the bipod.
The type of shooting is exactly what we used to do in our 20's. Rows of tin cans off hand as fast as you could. We also used to roll tyres down the hill, with a piece of cardboard stuffed inside as a target. The shooter would be at right angles to the travel of the tyre and be armed with a pump action shotgun, lever action or bolt action 22.
Perhaps that practice paid a dividend this morning
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