Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests.The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
A bit more bang is better.
Far out that is interesting! Who would have thought..... Thanks @Oldbloke that's something else I've learnt on this forum. I never stop learning on this forum. Hugh
Even more interesting when you consider the piss etc from stables used to be collected to make the potassium nitrate to make black powder....
75/15/10 black powder matters
Perfect weather for catching up on reloading for the Hornet. Got 200 X 40grn Sierra #1200 / ADI AR2205 9.8grn ready to go.
Also made up 30 test rounds using the Dupont IMR4227 gifted from @Muttonguts with thanks. 30 round over 5 Brands/weights, 5 for the group (because 3 shot groups are useless!) One for the milk bottle test.
With the addition of the IMR 4227 my test boxes now contain three types of powder, ADI AR2207, ADI AR2205 & DUPONT IMR 4227.
Within the lefthand box there is some experiment with quantity of powder; 10, 10.2, 10.5grn but all AR2207.
The right hand test box the powder charge is 9.8grn for both AR2205 and IMR 4227. I'm expecting the variation in group size will come from the different projectile designs, weights and BC.
This is not as scientific as some would do , but it's going to be interesting. Let's hope for some beautifully sunny, STILL weather....I'll report back.....
I forgot to mention, Box 1 uses CCI primers, Box 2 uses Remington 71/2 Benchrest primers .
canadas are paranoid bastards at the best of times and it dont take much for them to make like the rusky skier fuckoffski.
Ive got a few favourite spots but give em a towel up and theyll go awol for 6months or longer !mind you since the chch earthquakes the east side of the city has become canada club med.
Those Bee cartridges are interesting, good short range pill but the aerodynamics of a rhino.
The bee, zipper and hornet were all based on obsolete black powder cartridges, the 25 20, the 25 35 and the 22 wcf. All were developed in the late 20 and 30s. They had a brief period of fame, being rimmed when single shot or lever actions were all the rage and the zipper actually outperformed the .222.
Only the hornet survives and seems to be growing in popularity
Yeah, sorry missed a few words there - was meaning the flat faced pill almost dished looking hollow point. Has six visible segments or petals - designed as a varmint pill at the Bee cartridge velocities but very hard hitting at the hornet velocity on things like fellow and goats.