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Thread: reloading issues

  1. #16
    Member Danny's Avatar
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    Very informative and it makes sense.

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    Dan M

  2. #17
    Member andyanimal31's Avatar
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    As for lubing one shot is fine just spray from 4 sides then put another empty tray on top flip over and spray their bums.
    I also graphite the inside of the necks but i like rubbing it in with a cloth covered neck brush.
    Also when neck sizing just do 3/4 of the neck as the last unsized bit help centre the case in the chamber.
    My 2c worth

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  3. #18
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottrods View Post
    Problem with the hornady dies, is that the deprime pin also resizes the inside of the neck.

    Using graphite powder no issues for lube on necksizing, tho it is messy.
    Redding dies allow you to remove the button and retain the decapping pin.
    Bit pricey by the time you buy the correct bushings but they work a treat.
    I have a max runout of 2 thou and on most cases and loaded rounds the dti arm hardly even moves.

    I do not lube if only neck sizing. I only graphite the necks and projectile for seating.

    Ink free stamp pad and neatsfoot oil for lube or wax is what I have had the best results with. I have only had one stuck case and that's when I was brand new to reloading.

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  4. #19
    Member Timmay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    So simply neck sizing you don't need to lube at all? I thought that the deprimer needs a bit through the inside of the neck or it gets tight on withdrawal ? I am probably off on a tangent. Again.

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    Only using that specific model/brand of neck die (Collet)

  5. #20
    When I neck size I just size down as far as the diameter of the bullet so for my 243 I size 6mm of neck probably not good but it works for all my rounds

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MassiveAttack View Post
    Personally I think a better setup then using a standard three die set is to buy a Lee collect neck sizing die ($50 from reloaders) and a Redding body die ($30 from brownelles). The advantage being that you can then neck size and deprime without any lube at all. Then like r93 I go through and test chamber all the brass and then use the body die on any that are hard to chamber. You can even use the body die on loaded ammo although I suspect that it doesn't do good things to the runout.
    +1 on the lee collet die. Also do what I do and buy a saami gauge off workshopinovations.co.nz
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  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I load .233 for FTR competition.
    Have about 400 cases, most have been fired at least 3 times.
    Have only neck sized these not full length sized.

    I use a Lee die to deprime and neck size. I dismantle the die before starting, lightly lube the die before using, generally on 100-200 cases. Dismantle and clean the die before storing. Haven't had to lube the cases for neck sizing. Could be that .223 are more tolerant.

    I have quick release bushes for all my dies so I never have to adjust their fit in the press.
    Is that a Lee Collett Neck sizing die or a Lee normal neck sizing die with the expander ball? If it's a collett it doesn't need any lube except something for rust prevention. I would advise against lube as unless you clean the cases afterwards it can seep into your primer and cause misfires.

    If it's a normal neck sizing die with the expander ball then it needs lube but dipping the case neck into graphite (adding some shotgun shot helps stop it clumping) will lube it but as the graphite is inert then you don't need to clean the case afterwards.

    The difference between the two die types is that the collett die just squeases it from the sides, there is no metal sliding against metal so you don't need lube.

    Lee have patented this design of dies so despite them being on the bottom of the pile in terms of fit and finish everyone should buy their collett neck die cos you can come home from the range, deprime and neck size in 10 min and be ready to reload again for the next session.

  8. #23
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    Use the hornady oil case lube instead of the one shot will fix the problem but dont use to much or you will get dinted case shoulders



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