Agree with most of the above. To me it is a die adjustment issue. Your die may need to make firm contact with the shell holder to size the case, not just touch it. You seem to have two rifles with slightly different head space. Assuming you have some callipers (and if you don't get some) investing in the Hornady head space comparator kit would be a good idea. These are not expensive and will show you where the problem is and the extent of it. My guess is that the die just needs to be set down a little more. Been there and done that 40 years ago. With two rifles in the same calibre you may wish to invest in a set of the Redding competition shell holders. These are more expensive but would allow you to set the headspace for each rifle without adjusting the die. Lastly in no circumstances grind the top of the shell holder. This just creates more problems and likely ruins the shell holder is well. And as @zimmer says check after sizing and each step of the way thereafter.
Regards Grandpamac.