I anneal the 168’s for my SAUM, and have found they performed well. I understood they should open up better at longer ranges/lower impact velocity after annealing being softer?
As a side note, I load them to mag fit in the model 7, so the jump must be quite big, and they shoot into 1/2”, both when it had a 22” and now a 17 1/2” barrel. 180’s in my practical also have a 60thou jump and are very accurate, so maybe try a big jump and see what happens?
They sweet as is shot a shit tonne of animals out past 700m with the 168vld and 180vlds without annealing. These 2 were shot couple days ago at 680m and 714m not a worry, ran 4 or 5 meters. 2 stags last week one at 610m another at 350 dead on their feet.
But yea hopefully have another play with the 7mm this weekend, last group was .3 moa so seems promising and that was with 70grns 2225.
Shit the marae must be loving you shag iv never scene so many retrieved animals from you in all the years anyone would think you were eating it HHO