They are very nicely made. I like them even more than their in line dies, and that they go in a regular press, like you say it was the only thing missing from their line up.
If you mix one in with a Forsters bench seater, its not a lot different from Competition dies cost wise
Havent used one but one down side I can see is that you need to use their bushing and it doesnt go with anyone elses dies. If you go to Wilson / Redding / Whidden dies ( which will all shoulder bump depending on set up ), you can utilise the bushings if you swap dies.
I have nothing against Forster and use a few of their dies / products
I've ordered some Forster dies and bushings. Sent Forster an email as I couldn't find a lot of info on their bushing bump dies. The bump neck sizing die is made to only bump the shoulder, meaning it does not size the outside diameter of the body of the case. Sounds pretty good, thought I'd give it a go.
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Only some days are leg days now.