Ha ha, yep definitely expected to get called a loser, I guess nobody love me anymore!!!
As soon as I get a chance I’ll have a play and post results.
Cheers guys.
I thought you were to busy to play with guns!!!!!
I am!!
Just wishful thinking:-)
Measured them tonight and according to the hornady book they are in spec.
Buggered if I know, they definitely won’t chamber.
Maybe bullet seated too long and hitting the lands before case is fully chambered?
More likely a brass size issue though, e.g. chamber at the small end of normal specs, cases at the upper end.
I would pull a bullet and see if the empty case chambers.
Bullets not seated too long.
Rifle chambers factory ammo fine.
Tried a body die too, went through that fine.
Measured all dimensions with verniers and compared to hornady book, all within spec.
I have a small base die but when pushing a round in by hand it feels tight and I’m worried I will get a live round stuck.
Run them through a FL bushing die with the bushing removed so it doesnt fuck with the neck tension
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
body die, or FL bushing die and take out the bushing and decapper
They go through a rcbs body die and still don’t chamber.
Waiting on Sheridan case gauge to show up, then I guess I’ll buy a small base body die, lucky I’m stubborn because I will have spent more on fixing the problem than the ammo was worth!!