The problem with reloading is experts can make it sound complicated and very technical when it can be very very simple if you want. Somewhere in between is the sweet spot for most.
Here is KISS lol
A lot of what loaders do is really "optional".
A basic procedure.
1. De-Prime
2. Clean with cloth or in Aldi ultrasonic cleaner. (Optional) Dry
3. Visual inspection of fired cases looking for signs of pressures, case separation or neck cracking.
4. Anneal every few reloads or as required. (Optional)
5. Lube case including inside neck.and FLRS or neck size.
6. Wash/clean/remove all lube and dry.
7. Trim all cases & debur. (if required)
8. Prime.
9. Powder charge (Weighing charge is optional) scoops?
10. Seat projectile and check length. (OAL)
Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests.The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
A bit more bang is better.
Thanks TeRei. You have given me a few valuable takeaways from that blurb. I think annealing will absolutely be on the cards especially for the 300WSM which I plan to squeeze as much accuracy as I can out of that. Thanks for the links I will have a good look.
Thank you grandpamac, everyone has been PMing me and has been helpful without inserting the must and must not into the advice given.
It's not a fixed thing either. Half the fun is testing each aspect to see it its optimal. No brand is the best all all things so it's gonna be up to you to evaluate each thing as you go.
Don't forget the old gem though,
"You get what you pay for".