I don't know what you are asking quite frankly. I don't bother with SD data. It is meaningless to me. I have a system and it works. I think I understand why your data doesn't give you the results I get and clearly you don't. I'm fine with that. As you don't have QL I can't walk you through it easily. I have done my best to explain it but I can tell its gone over everyone's head, well bar No.3 he gets it. You just keep doing what you are doing if that works for you.
I have said enough. If you read everything I have written in this thread you will understand the process, then assuming you have got the right powder you will get results. I hope that helps some of you. Or they can accept what you say that its all a waste of time and do nothing. That is entirely up to those who read this thread.
I have been as respectful as I possibly can be, I disagree with a lot what has been written in this thread and I have no need to change anyone's mind. I don't think I could.
It's shame its like this, I wasn't prepared for that.