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Thread: Subsonic 12g Slugs?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Subsonic 12g Slugs?


    Going to start wading my way into the world of reloading and been reading up on all sorts of options for a number of different calibres so excuse the ignorace.

    Curious if anyone has any experience with putting together subsonic slugs for a shotgun?

    From my reading thus far, up close and personal they compare to a .44mag in power and knock down ability?

    More interested in using a 12g as a bail gun, though the cut down one i have is far from dog or user ear friendly!

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Member stretch's Avatar
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    No experience with reloading for shotguns, but be aware the use of shotguns with solid slugs on DOC land is a bit of a grey area. Read here:


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  3. #3
    Member rossi.45's Avatar
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    your still going to need a suppressor to get the noise reduction .. . might be easier to buy a secondhand .357 or 44mag Rossi with a supppressor already on it . . you could shoot the 38s & 44Specials which would be subsonic and use the Magnum ammo for longer range, more hitting power when you need it . . . another option

    good luck . . R
    without a picture . .. it never happened !

  4. #4
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    I used to use a cut down marlin bolt action 12g with a sight welded on the end worked great .

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dublin View Post

    Going to start wading my way into the world of reloading and been reading up on all sorts of options for a number of different calibres so excuse the ignorace.

    Curious if anyone has any experience with putting together subsonic slugs for a shotgun?

    From my reading thus far, up close and personal they compare to a .44mag in power and knock down ability?

    More interested in using a 12g as a bail gun, though the cut down one i have is far from dog or user ear friendly!

    Thanks in advance
    12G slugs are a little over the top for a bail gun you will more than likely get pass through even on big pigs,
    Also getting a suppressor for a 12g will not be easy expensive and bloody big, one of those Bergara piggers in .44 mag
    would be a better move, plus side better accuracy cheaper ammo better choice of projectiles if you reload

  6. #6
    270 King of the Calibres oraki's Avatar
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    Isn't a suppressed shotgun on the 'no go' list, or is it just some types........

  7. #7
    MSL is offline
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    It's the suppressed 12g semiautomatic pump action sniper rifle that's not allowed
    Beaker, 6x47, res and 1 others like this.

  8. #8
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    suppressors not allowed for game bird shooting.
    you could get chamber insert off trademe and rum .45 long colt through your .12ga if accuracy was enough they would/could be better bet as far less energy. having shot a few bailed pigs with the .12ga using all sorts of loads over the years myself.buck shot just sucked,birdshot is fine at 5 yards or less as it still goes in through skin and bone in a ball but wont come out again,solids work fine but you need to fine out what works best in your gun as they all differnt. the lyman slugs you can buy dirt cheap off trademe would work ok just tip pellets out of a clay target type load ,slip slug in and reclose up crimp as best you can. and yes you can get pass through with solids also wicked riccocette with any thing running slow,Ive seen this first hand with .12ga inside a woolshed shooting a big ram,had slug bounce all around the walls before comeing to rest beside my foot!!!!!!

  9. #9
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    suppressors not allowed for game bird shooting.
    you could get chamber insert off trademe and rum .45 long colt through your .12ga if accuracy was enough they would/could be better bet as far less energy. having shot a few bailed pigs with the .12ga using all sorts of loads over the years myself.buck shot just sucked,birdshot is fine at 5 yards or less as it still goes in through skin and bone in a ball but wont come out again,solids work fine but you need to fine out what works best in your gun as they all differnt. the lyman slugs you can buy dirt cheap off trademe would work ok just tip pellets out of a clay target type load ,slip slug in and reclose up crimp as best you can. and yes you can get pass through with solids also wicked riccocette with any thing running slow,Ive seen this first hand with .12ga inside a woolshed shooting a big ram,had slug bounce all around the walls before comeing to rest beside my foot!!!!!!
    Bit like a DIY squash game eh mickey-bet that left a skid mark on ya grots. im sittin here thinking of a 12g suppressor and think stove chimney dimensions.Although in saying this IIRC i did read somewhere of a 12g subsonic load developed allegedly for American special forces use ,but that was quite some time ago.
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  10. #10
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooternz View Post
    12G slugs are a little over the top for a bail gun you will more than likely get pass through even on big pigs,
    Also getting a suppressor for a 12g will not be easy expensive and bloody big, one of those Bergara piggers in .44 mag
    would be a better move, plus side better accuracy cheaper ammo better choice of projectiles if you reload
    Iv never had a pass through with them yet mate to my way of thinking if you want a cheap effective bail gun they are great not even that loud compared to almost any centre fire ,had a 3030 , 357mag for a long time as well but the only time I appreciated them was knocking over the odd random deer if your talking shooting a pig in the head inside 30m iv still got the marlin here Dublin if I can find the bolt you can have it .

  11. #11
    res is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    suppressors not allowed for game bird shooting
    that I did not know! why would that be? Have a 410 with a can and had thought of starting my son with it in a couple of years-seems that idea is out the window
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