Hi there, thank you for the nice comments on my bullets. I try to make the best bullets I can so its nice to get good feedback.
The 6.5mm are still happening but I am at the mercy of the die makers as to when.
Could be in a months time or six months before the dies come.
I have the jackets I need sitting here which is a big start.
As to me getting rich making & selling them I cant see that ever happening as I cant bring myself to rip people off for them just because the market allows it.
I see a lot of it happening right now with the shortages but generally what goes around comes around in my experience.
In other words treat people reasonably & it will usually be returned or vise versa.
So for those interested the 6.5 are still coming just don't know when.
At this stage I will be making two bullet weights once I have made & tested them.
Will be an approx 120-125gr & approx a 140gr give or take a bit on what shoot best.
Cheers & thanks for the feedback.
