Digressing a little from unusual old ammo, how about these old shell cases... Anyone care to have a guess? Hints are, WWII and they were used against our airmen. That's a 260 case in the middle for reference.
Digressing a little from unusual old ammo, how about these old shell cases... Anyone care to have a guess? Hints are, WWII and they were used against our airmen. That's a 260 case in the middle for reference.
@Marty Henry Yep 3.7cm Flak 18, first of that series. My uncle brought them back with him after the war. He probably had a few close encounters with these as he was a wireless operator air gunner (WAG) in a Lancaster.
Here's a few from my small collection
First on left is a 3006
This ones for fun
Boom, cough,cough,cough
frist go at posting pics22 mag for scale,9mm flobert
8x57 with a odd head stamp that i in my granddads stuff
Baffle out of a 1971 350 Elsinore![]()
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
The "baffle" looks similar to a 106mm recoiless rifle cartridge. If it is I did training on these in school cadets. Had a .5 Browning spotter on top of the main barrel. Of course I could be way off the mark ha ha
Still see them in service on the back of utes in the Middle East.
The blast out the back was as fearsome as the blast out the front.
106mm recoiless