Greetings All,
GPM finally got out to the shed today to do some preliminary loads for load development for a friends .308. A few rounds were assembled with 150 grain Interlocks and the last of my old lot of AR2206H to use as fouling shots. I have not done this previously but why not. Next two rounds each using the 150 grain SST and 44 grains of AR2206H and 45 grains of AR2208. These will be shot for velocity and not for group. The idea is to validate the load data that I am working with. AR2206H has been used extensively in my .308 and other rifles so there is a good level of data here already but this is a new lot so a test is needed. AR2208 has been used in other calibres but not the .308. The test cases are R-P. Hopefully the test rounds will be shot and chronographed at a range day on Saturday and further testing during next week.
Regards Grandpamac.