162gn Sako blade copper
Sako fire formed brass
ADI 2209
Remington large rifle primers
162gn Sako blade copper
Sako fire formed brass
ADI 2209
Remington large rifle primers
believe it or not I tumbled them for 3 hours.....maybe my media needs replacing
The projectiles are the same as what comes in the Sako factory copper ammunition, they were accurate enough however I couldn't get enough velocity out of them in the lightest 30 cal offering (162gn) to make them viable outside 300y which is a shame as I used the 140gn factory 7 mm rem mag version last roar and found it very good.
they would go well in a 300wsm or similar.
180 ELDM new ADG brass 64.5 gn RL26 @ 2880 fps from a 20” barrel
Testing gave ES of 5.1 and SD 2.1 group of 0.65
That’l do me 😎
I can just about get 3000fps with the 162eldm - my ballistic app shows the 180’s “over taking” the 162’s by 150m out to 500 shooting ever so slightly flatter and delivering 44% more energy and a lot less wind drift.
Was quite surprised at how much difference there is between the two.
Yeah and action length mine is based on a T3 set up with a long throat so COAL is 3.125” the Greg Dooley articles on the PRC in his magazine had the saami coal at 2.825”
I found a good article by Brian Litz on the benefits of this “In fact, the extra powder you can add to a cartridge with the bullet seated long will allow you to achieve greater velocity at the same pressure than a cartridge with a bullet seated short.” “After all, when you seat the bullet out longer and leave more internal case volume for powder, your effectively making the cartridge into a bigger cartridge by increasing the size of the combustion chamber.”
My 7 saum is not far off a 7 prc with a 20” barrel velocity wise.
Gone to harder ADG brass from norma 300 saum necked down.
I think barrels make a difference too some just seem faster.