Miserable weather today, managed to test a few between heavy showers. A chance to use my new Redding body die.
110g TSX
Miserable weather today, managed to test a few between heavy showers. A chance to use my new Redding body die.
110g TSX
Looks like a potent combination.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
Prepping for a comparison test when I get the chance. 30.06 with Norma Oryx 180gn, .243W with Hornady ELD-X 90gn. Will be comparing White River Energetics LR and Federal 210 LR primers. Will make a post in Reloading Forum when the test is done.
Some 175 targex, 178 eldm in 3006, and a small ladder of 220 swift with 55 gr sierras looking for something less explody at the far end.
I thought 220 swift goes hand in hand with explody?
It certainly seems to but the cats not that keen on bloodshot mince
FMJ ????? might be an option, mono jobbies bit expensive for bunnies LOL.
75/15/10 black powder matters
My turn.
We have an upcoming impromptu .303 shoot this weekend (anyone is welcome to come along, .303 or not) It will be P14's verses the rest.
So thats rifles over 100 yrs old against allcomers.
Cranked out some reworked Greek ammo, man I love Ball powder and running it through the thrower, it only takes a few minutes to slap together 100 rds.
Loaded 100 rounds of 32gran 7s for some.pigeon shooting next weekend
A little more serious for tonight. Get to load at the kitchen bench for this.
You just wanted to watch Shitland Street at the same time....
You loading depleted uranium or something? Is that what that luminous green thing is
may be sarcastic may be a bad joke
Dozen sub sonics, 220gr lead HP with copper gas check over 12gr trail boss in 358win. Basically a finishing round or for possums and short range deer.