Just use a Lee decapping rod and tap them out with a hammer. Easy as. I have a couple of spares if you want one.
Just use a Lee decapping rod and tap them out with a hammer. Easy as. I have a couple of spares if you want one.
I just got a lee decapping die off the forum not long ago. Super fast and easy.
I put a decapper rod in a drill press and a shellholder in the vice to do a bunch of .223s for my ar15
Bluntened 3-4" nail and a 3/4 nut.tap tap and its done.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
Here's my three.
RCBS decapping die for large rifle primers.
Modified 22 cal Hornady Neck Sizing die (POS). Decapping pin ground down for my 6.5x47 and Palma 308 brass.
Third one is a Ramset nail ground down which I used to use for decapping milsurp 30-06 with live primers.
I do my FLSing after annealing.
Greetings Dannyb,
Recently I started doing most of my decapping with Lee punch and base sets. The reason was to keep all the grit from the spent primers from getting on the press ram. I have .222, .308 and .303 bases which does most cases that I have. The punch and base sets are available in separately in .223 and .308 for less than $20 bucks each. I use a home made punch for any thing smaller than .30 cal. I would definitely decap before annealing, a personal choice, and you do not need to remove the decapping pin before sizing.
Regards Grandpamac.
Harvey depriming tool is great and another option to consider.
Just spend $30.00 on a lee decaping die. Easy as saves messing with your other dies
BC doesn't matter, until you need to dial
Yep I use the Lee universal decapping die, it works super well from 223 to 28 Nosler
Pin Punch
Only really used it on Black Powder Cartridges,but guess it would work on modern stuff too.
"Sixty percent of the time,it works every time"
I started with a Lee Universal decapping die. However I have bent the decapping rod pin and had to buy another rod.
But also recently in the past year started using the Frankford Arsenal handheld universal decapping tool and it works pretty good. Primers get collected in a little plastic cup on the end of it and every 30 primers or so you take it off and dump the contents in the trash.
Lee universal decapping die