Fuck. I'm doing it all wrong!
But here is what I am doingIf it's a heavily loaded block and the rabbits are quiet in with the .22 and subs morning and night. Once they get towy start spotlighting with the .22 and subs. Once they are over that the .223 comes out both night and day shooting. This all of course changes with the ground conditions. If there is a lot of long grass around the 22-sub combo is the only way to go spotlighting as they just hold (read hide) on that long grass.
There will never be a 17HMR in the box. Over priced ammo and doesn't really perform, plus it can't cut scrub. 17 hornet on the other hand maybe, a lot cheaper to run than the rimfire version and by all reports it performs.
I loaned one of the 223's to the cockie where I'm working, he wants me to get him one after using it and fuck the cost of the ammo. They work.
Note here: I catch anyone shooting much past 200 and they are out of there. Hit rates drop and you create spooked rabbits, fuck that, the job is hard enough already. In fact it's thing's like that that are the reason cockies don't let people on
Ever use a shotgun?