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Thread: Bird Predator Control

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Stewart island / canterbury
    Saw a great mouse trap in a tramping hut, empty wine bottle on it side with peanut butter inside the neck, butter/oil on the outside of neck and hang it over the edge of a bench above a bucket of water. Was in the Eyre mountains for a mouse plague, 45 in the bucket in the morning, same again the second night!
    Wirehunt likes this.

  2. #32
    Member Sean's Avatar
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    Out of Dannevirke
    86 possums for me in the last 2 months

  3. #33
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 223nut View Post
    Saw a great mouse trap in a tramping hut, empty wine bottle on it side with peanut butter inside the neck, butter/oil on the outside of neck and hang it over the edge of a bench above a bucket of water. Was in the Eyre mountains for a mouse plague, 45 in the bucket in the morning, same again the second night!

  4. #34
    Member time out's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Snap-E is a great trap takeuchi - peanut butter is pretty good but IMO - Goodnature possum paste is the best rat bait I have used and I have tried a few - but GN have new lures now for rats - one is chocolate flavoured so that may be good
    One great aspect of the Snap-E trap is you can hair trigger it - when setting it - carefully set the foot plate lower and lower until it just holds - blow on it and it will trip - no mouse will walk over that
    I often get rats and hogs that are clipped by the kill bar and thrown clear - dead in the trap or a metre away - both are fine

    Sean - you are doing some great work on everything you touch - it would be great to go for a walk with you one day - it would also be interesting to hear some more about your huntstand app - looks like it might be useful for record keeping - I found a fenn last week that I hung in a tree with a hog about a year ago
    Sean likes this.

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Stewart island / canterbury
    Googled wine bottle mouse trap but couldnt find any like the one I saw, few similar ones though
    Tommy likes this.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Found the good nature site cheers time out. will set the traps a tad more hairy.
    hey 223 nut, we used to have a 44 gallon drum of horse feed at home when we were kids. when it was getting empty the rats and mice would jump in and couldn't get out. throw the foxy in there and he'd clean them up in short order. throw the cat in there and it would jump straight back out!! Never did like cats much.
    kiwijames likes this.

  7. #37
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Way East of D'Vagas
    Another hog
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    time out and Sean like this.
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction

    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive

  8. #38
    Member Willie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by time out View Post
    A mate up Kaipara South Head caught this ferret yesterday - he is not on this forum but is happy for me to post it - a nasty little critter
    Hope the video works

    Happy little fella that one, so grateful for being locked up! Bagsy not trying to get him out alive.
    Sarcasm: lowest from of wit, highest form of intelligence.

  9. #39
    Member time out's Avatar
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    This new Victor box is working well - big rat been dealt to by something that managed to turn it inside out - my mate reckoned it might have been a hawk - although I got my one and only stoat pretty close so maybe more of them out there
    Still getting a couple of rats and hogs each trip round the farm
    I live on a one acre section near the city - using a magpie trap with mirrors to clean up hogs - No23 had a look in the mirror last night - sick of them - I hope they hibernate in the winter

    Tidied up and ready for the next one
    Dundee likes this.

  10. #40
    Member time out's Avatar
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    Just a note about the Predator Free NZ - Webinar - 5th of May 7.30pm - anyone can register and join in - with Darren Peters (DOC's resident trapping expert)

    Learn how to get the most out of your DOC traps (250, 200 and 150). Sign up for the online discussion on 5th May at 7.30pm by clicking this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/reg...35607911960068

    I sat in on the first PFNZ Webinar on Goodnature traps - it was excellent

  11. #41
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Way East of D'Vagas
    Another two hogs today.But missed a friggen cat
    time out likes this.
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction

    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive

  12. #42
    Member Sean's Avatar
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    Got 1 hog yesterday
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  13. #43
    Member Sean's Avatar
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    I have just set a new trap in my chook coop. Hope I get that rat!
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  14. #44
    Member time out's Avatar
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    Hope you are making progress with that rat Sean - keep trying and you will get him

    Had a quick look round some traps today - one rat, one hog and one possum - all helps the birdlife

    Rat became fresh lure in the font of a cage - fish fillet in the dish - might tempt pussy

    Possum and hog recycled over a steep bank

    Just ready to leave for home round 5PM - roosters calling up in the bush - so gave them a few hoots - back they come from all round and this one floats down and lands in the top of a ponga about 50m away - I was in full view by the car but we called to each other for about 5 minutes - light was bad but camera managed some good pics

  15. #45
    Member Sean's Avatar
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    Out of Dannevirke
    I haven't caught that rat yet, yesterday I got a hedgehog and 4 possums, I am pulling my traps out now as I'm not getting much



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