Top man @time outHave hung my lantern in the porch handy when finding gummies in the morn as has a flashing button above the switch to turn it on.Means I can leave lights off in the house when I leave.
Top man @time outHave hung my lantern in the porch handy when finding gummies in the morn as has a flashing button above the switch to turn it on.Means I can leave lights off in the house when I leave.
Last edited by Dundee; 19-02-2017 at 09:04 PM.
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps:// wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
Fuck, can't hold my tongueThe doc (spithere) traps are a ripoff, and a bad one at that. If you like made in china crap that doesn't do the job go buy them, cause doc are fuckers that should never be trusted. EVER!!! And those traps are fucking shit, and that was from their own trapper.
If you want to poison, best you don't leave the poison in those traps for weeks, never mind months. Read the doc bullshit, and that is all it is, you will FAIL.
Dicks kill ferrets, ferrets live on rabbits.... If you want me to spell it out I will, but I shouldn't have to. By all means get into it, but don't believe everything you read.
Love your work timeout. Got stoats doing this sort of thing to my rats.I see them and weasels around but they are hard work getting them.
Got these at the runoff duck pond yesterday. 2 rats and one possum. All very maggoty![]()
Nice shot - Good to see the SNAP-E has the capabilities.
Another one the swamp comp.Good work Time out
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps:// wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
Shit - I will have to go find the buggar - I biffed it over a bank - so excited about getting him - wasn't thinking straight - thanks @Dundee![]()
I've made the same mistake with a weasel
@PillowDribbler... I happen to have a few things eating my rats, all of which came as a surprise
never thought these guys would be interested, this suspect is still at large.
fortunately this wild cat has since won a once in a lifetime cage diving trip
hopefully this guy eats a whole bunch more
Trail cam has produced a few goodies!!
cheers fellas, good luck out there.
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
Welcome to the forum kukuwai - I love your pictures - so much to learn from game cameras - I am just guessing without one - hope you can post more of your activities
The Ruru is very special - but sadly they eat poisoned rats and mice - I think I have wiped them out on my place
I went up the Park last evening and pulled out a tree hanger and some rats - the Doc250 makes a mess of them and seven days later they are on the move again - yuk
I must be desperate for the Swamp Comp entry @Dundee - I sent Cruz down the bank to find the lost stoat - no problem - be brought it back - tail and all - also got a hog, a couple of rats and a few mice
Cheers for the welcome time out, however truth be told I should be thanking you for much more than that. I have learnt a whole lot from your writings in this and the other H&F forum re trapping, so cheers.
Regarding the ruru photo, I actually got 7 pictures of him over a 2 hour period that day some just of his back while he tried to get the rat free from the trap -amazing really. I checked the trap line the same day the pictures were taken and that rat was very fresh, I would think it was caught that night!!
On the subject of game cameras - if you or anyone else is interested keep an eye on the cabelas USA website, they come on sale often. Wait for one that has good reviews and even with the postage (aprox 1 week) they work out considerably cheaper than in nz.
With respect to my project : My partner and I own a property with a 7 ha wetland on it and this year we set up a line with 40 traps - fenns, victors, snap e, PCR 200s and a couple of cages which are not always set. We just cracked 50 kills so happy with that. Mostly rats, a couple of possums, 3 hedgepigs, 4 cats and 1 weasel. Still waiting for the first stoat.
I do have a question for you if you don't mind...I noticed a spot of blue Connovation paste on the fence stay below the snap e with the stoat in it (gota love the scratches on the stay) was that the bait that got the stoat?? I have been using it recently on my victors seems to be quite effective on the rats.
Cheers and good luck out there!
Went for a walk in the rain around the wetland today, 4 rats and 4 mice. That added up to 12 rats, 9 mice and 1 possum for the week. Seems like the smoked fish wing bones were good bait in the boxes at this rate 100 kills fast approaching. here's a couple of the highlights
This very large rat was no match for the Fenn!!
Got this bugger on the way out with a bit of crumbed fish still in his mouth!! Didn't want the old smelly pilchard, fine dining f#*ked um
cheers fellas
Set 2 traps today