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Thread: Chinese DOC copies

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Tomdhu View Post
    Since 2020 the approval for use of the Mark4 Fenn on stoats was withdrawn - a crazy situation because the UK Govt went to sleep over the issue and they adopted the AIHTS position on stoats by default.

    The Fenns are still the top traps here for rats, grey squirrels, weasels, rabbits and mink. They cost less than 25% of the cost of a DOC150 hence virtually everyone ignore the law and continues with the Mark4 for staoats.
    Trappers have a very thin "social licence" [ I hate that term] to trap in a few peoples eyes and we have to do what is correct as far as animal welfare. To ignore that we do so at our peril. It is not just good enough to say I am happy to kill it slowly as it is just a rat which will eat a baby bird...
    Micky Duck, Black Rabbit and kruza like this.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    try a connibear....the others are childsplay in comparison.

    oh and I reckon anyone who has set traps of any discription for any length of time in decent numbers (more than a dozen more than once a week) who says they have never caught themselves is telling porkies.....as school kids we all ran gin traps and yip they hurt like hell but you live n learn.
    I still have the scar LOL

  3. #18
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    again try a connibear..holy shite they are .......authoritive
    kickinwings likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by sore head stoat View Post
    Trappers have a very thin "social licence" [ I hate that term] to trap in a few peoples eyes and we have to do what is correct as far as animal welfare. To ignore that we do so at our peril. It is not just good enough to say I am happy to kill it slowly as it is just a rat which will eat a baby bird...
    ......Social licence....what, you mean like thrashing around in agony for 2-6 hours like the higher order mammals do with 1080??

    (sorry, couldn't help myself)

  5. #20
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    try a connibear....the others are childsplay in comparison.

    oh and I reckon anyone who has set traps of any discription for any length of time in decent numbers (more than a dozen more than once a week) who says they have never caught themselves is telling porkies.....as school kids we all ran gin traps and yip they hurt like hell but you live n learn.
    As a kid maybe around 8 or 9 years old, I had about 6 traps and I certainly got caught, ONCE. The traps had been given to me and were very old and a bit weak.
    Saved enough to buy 1 shiny new trap but when I got out into the bush I wasn't strong enough to set it even standing on it. It was way stronger than my old ones. Ended up taking one of my Dad's G clamps with me so that I could set it. I don't think he knew. Ah, he probably did...
    That trap used to scare me.
    7mmwsm and Micky Duck like this.

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by sore head stoat View Post
    Trappers have a very thin "social licence" [ I hate that term] to trap in a few peoples eyes and we have to do what is correct as far as animal welfare. To ignore that we do so at our peril. It is not just good enough to say I am happy to kill it slowly as it is just a rat which will eat a baby bird...
    Birds lovers vs Cats lovers; Cat lovers vs Predator Free voters; Conservationists vs Economists; Green Plant boys and girls vs Geophysics.... What a wonderful world....
    Localman and sore head stoat like this.
    So be it

  7. #22
    Member Tomdhu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    try a connibear....the others are childsplay in comparison.

    oh and I reckon anyone who has set traps of any discription for any length of time in decent numbers (more than a dozen more than once a week) who says they have never caught themselves is telling porkies.....as school kids we all ran gin traps and yip they hurt like hell but you live n learn.
    Kids for sure, but an experienced adult trapper should never get nipped.

  8. #23
    MSL is offline
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    I’ve got some conibears, they take no prisoners, no live ones anyway.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Micky Duck likes this.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2022
    Hawks bay at moment
    I've set snare traps and I'm sure they arn't an instant kill.
    Poor little critter hanging thier suffocating to death in a noose.
    Oh that's right I dont give a fx#k.
    Never seen a wild cat or Stoat go oh it's to inhuman to rip a live bird to pieces. Or a rat or possum go how inhuman of me to eat a fledgling or egg. I strive for clean efficient kills but that's not the reality. Not every trap trips correctly and the worse traps are live catch traps in my view. Spend all night freaking out. Freak when you go to collect it, freak when realise your going to kill it. How's that human. Yet every greenle preaches it a better way. Paah.

  10. #25
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmer View Post
    As a kid maybe around 8 or 9 years old, I had about 6 traps and I certainly got caught, ONCE. The traps had been given to me and were very old and a bit weak.
    Saved enough to buy 1 shiny new trap but when I got out into the bush I wasn't strong enough to set it even standing on it. It was way stronger than my old ones. Ended up taking one of my Dad's G clamps with me so that I could set it. I don't think he knew. Ah, he probably did...
    That trap used to scare me.
    I soon learnt to set trap with both jaws to one side and then flip it over once set...was setting them for years before learnt to do it with hands...I always used to use my foot to depress spring.
    the string thing..for connibears would actually work for gin traps too....
    75/15/10 black powder matters



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