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Thread: Just Another Day in the Office Bradley 7 August 2024

  1. #16
    MB is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Shields View Post
    @MB You are correct that with increased residential and rural lifestyle housing there is always safety issues to consider.
    Part of my standard operating procedure following an enquire is;
    - Download property boundary maps
    - Daylight site inspection
    - Letter box drops to close neighbours advising dates and times
    - Txt Message to community/street residents advisingvwhen starting and when finished and gone (so they can let their pussy out!)
    - FaceBook community groups notification of proposed dates/times. Follow ECO HUNTERS AOTEAROA on FB. (I hate Facebook!)
    - Raise activity report with Police
    - You could also notify the City and Regional Councils. They appreciate that so when they get the call from the public, "There's a man with a gun! OR I can hear gunfire!" They know what's happening in their rohe.
    - I used to put out roadside signage advising Culling was happening. The Police liked this method of keeping the public informed, but Kapiti Coast District Council confiscated my safety signage because I didn't have a Resource Consent for signage WTF!

    Remember this when doing close proximity shooting:
    - Neighbours don't like surprises
    - (Some) Horse people are highly strung NUTTERS! Not all, I shoot for several Equestrian centre's who are cool people.
    - The Police are your friend (if you have lodge an activity report, they don't like surprises either!). On two occasions I have dialed 111 to report an, "Incident involving live firearms. I've got the the firearm, and I'm being chased or assaulted by an Irate neighbour (Horse owner!) Please come and remove the neighbour." In both case the Police were there within minutes and cautioned the neighbour who could have been charged with, trespass, assault or threatening too, stealing a rifle, being in possession of a rifle without having a firearms license. Charges were not pressed, but the Police are my friend.

    All of that is highly responsible and sensible. Too much effort for me to shoot a couple of rabbits just for fun. Agree 100% about horse owners. I stopped going to one farm because the neighbour had a problem with the "noise" from subsonic .22LR bothering her horses. Batshit crazy!

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    @MB "Bat shit crazy!" Sums it up perfectly. I think it some to do with their brains repeatedly banging against the inside of their skulls as there heads bob up and down as horse trots along. Kind of like head injuries for boxers of rugby players except on repeat....repeat....repeat.......I
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  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibo View Post
    No bolt = no risk
    'No bolt' is something that falls under 'what can go wrong', just a different type of risk.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Not trying to be smart here, its more that this is something that is worth everyone knowing about and its not always obvious.

    If hunting from a vehicle with other people, don't use the roof of the vehicle as a rifle rest, the risk being that someone can exit the vehicle in front of you and your rifle barrel may point directly at their head while your scope is high enough that you don't see them at all.
    Gibo, A330driver and Hugh Shields like this.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Shields View Post
    @MB "Bat shit crazy!" Sums it up perfectly. I think it some to do with their brains repeatedly banging against the inside of their skulls as there heads bob up and down as horse trots along. Kind of like head injuries for boxers of rugby players except on repeat....repeat....repeat.......I
    Horse chicks can be a bit crazy, but I've shot on plenty of their land. They hate bunnies as the holes are not a good mix with horsies.
    Hugh Shields likes this.



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