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Thread: Magpie decoy and air rifle wanted to borrow

  1. #31
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Oxford, North Canterbury
    I have the distress call, just waiting for a warm day when I can take best advantage of it.
    Mooseman likes this.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Far North
    personally Id just use my sub 22 and nod when the neighbours tell me I should use a slug gun.

    if you can get them to to feed on the treated grain alphaclorilose from your local Reagional council that or the alpaclorilose paste you spread on bread and feed it to them. that will do the trick just make sure its the magpies eating it, I use it on the sparrows that nest in my shed. no poison licence required

    a carefully aimed shot with a good back drop out of your subsonic 22 is hard to beat, basically any air rifle that is suited for knocking them down because it takes quite a bit will be loud as heck to get the energy to do the business
    Moa Hunter likes this.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    years back, i had a bsa meteor 22 slug gun. figured out that a mall rifle primer was the same caliber and used to glue them to the tips of the slugs.
    effects amazing at low ranges
    p.s rats stink when exploded !
    223nut, dannyb and Mr Browning like this.

  4. #34
    Member time out's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I used to leave them alone to chase the hawks away from the Pheasants on a 30 acre rural block - but eventually I realised they were also chasing the Kereru - so I geared up to kill them - Dundee’s custom magpie trap, the .22, a new magpie trap with mirrors, magpie decoy and a new .17 - they soon realised I was after them and flew in all directions when we turned up at the front gate - I never got any in the magpie traps but I shot a few - don’t underestimate their cunning! Good luck



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