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Night Vision NZ Alpine

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Thread: Night time Airgun Set up Recommendation for possums

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2022
    Hawks bay at moment
    Bloody good torch on that. Looks as bright as daylight. Must be big! Throw ya aim point out.?

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    Gadgetman years ago gave me a couple of his torches(which i still have ).-chinese models(IIRC) 18650 batteries ,latter models reverting to 3x aaa batteries power. brandname ULTRAFIRE

    .What impressed me was these wee buggers gave out a beam good for 50m+and in a practical test of robustness ive taken out two feral carts with this torch clamped to the barrel of my s/a 12 shotty .
    Ive used these torches on nightshift throughout my nursing career and still use and swear by them .you get a rubberclamps with velcro straps fits on rifle or atop the scope and it makes for a dandy wee jacko smacker
    .Another tip -watch for a doe in season -buck jackos go off their swedes fighting for banging rights and chances are if you shine the light theyll rear up hissing and spitting etc etc at you till you drop em
    .I shot 4 in 5mins at 4pm one after noon like this -she was horny up on a log less than 5m away lifted the tail -hellloo here comes the cavalry till human spoiled the gang bang with his version. .she reared on me spitting -hole between the eyes was the result -joined the others.my policy killl on sight no excuses. She was a very plump young maiden a couple of the bucks young studs but IIRC the 3rd bloke to drop was fairly old buck who in hindsight should have had more bloody sense.



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