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Thread: Possum Trapping

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman View Post
    We were always taught that night shooting in native bush is about 10% effective due to the canopy cover, if you can get in under the canopy and look up it can be more effective. Bush edges along grassed areas are good spots to check. I have spent many thousands of hours spot lighting and have found you can get good results but you have to work the area carefully and not to quickly as sometimes it's just a glint of an eye that gives them away.
    yup mooseman is right.also if theres a breeding doe round and shes randy ,the bucks will go stir crazy like stags and the noise of snarls or scraps is a dead friggin giveaway-I had a 3 cell torch clamped to my stirling.22 and it was spot on .more than one buck fell outof a tree after sitting up screaming at me ,and getting a terminal.22 blowjob that curbed his sex drive permanently.
    look for abandoned fruit trees -the jackos love that fruit ,and looking through my photos im bloody sure i nailed more than one who may have been a tad pissed from gutsing out on fermenting /rotten fruit.vegetable peelings is good bait too-my late dad shot many a jacko who d paid a visit to mums peelings bucket (intended for our xmas porker)in the old family home on the coast.he also dealt with a few who got into his shed rafters and tried to tell him how to chop kindling wood.
    brother and i trapped as kids-flour with aniseed was the bait ,and the back of a tomahawk or our leadhead studded lenght of rimu applied btween the eyes stopped em dead -trapline -check before schoolin mornings -leave dead to cooloff during day -jacket skinand takc out after school.we bought our 1st watches -alphas &6.13s.6d from our possum skin money (1966).
    dont see many these days-im dying to get a screamer buck lined up for a 3"no2 steel 12g blowjob-itll come!

    all the best.
    Blisters likes this.

  2. #2
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    Keep receipts of your expenses and see if you can find a cheap accountant so that you can claim back your expenses.

  3. #3
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    Possum Hunting in Tauranga

    Hi, my name is Anna I live on 120-acre farm in Tauranga, most of the property is surrounded by bush, with possums everywhere. If you are interested to hunt on our property for possums please send me a message.

    bumblefoot, Sarvo and Bobba like this.

  4. #4
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Quote Originally Posted by samoylanna View Post
    Hi, my name is Anna I live on 120-acre farm in Tauranga, most of the property is surrounded by bush, with possums everywhere. If you are interested to hunt on our property for possums please send me a message.

    Welcome Anna. That is a great offer.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
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  5. #5
    Member homebrew.357's Avatar
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    Hi, Just a heads up, I saw a trapper once with a pile of curry powder packets, he said the posse's love the stuff, so mix a bit in the flour, good luck.

  6. #6
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Wow, if I drive on the road near the land at night guaranteed I'll see 6 or 7 in the 15 minute drive!

    That's encouraging my guess would be if you don't get good hits down in that country where there are few coons about is they are trap or poison shy...not saying that they will be at all , just saying if you put the effort in & don't get results don't give up the first time round as it can be a very common problem in handy country..il never forget a place I used to live , a small village called waipori falls it was surrounded by bush , possums all over the show along with blue or red raddle on the trees , rats were a problem to eating my baits no matter what I used , in the end I got some bait stations & some cinnamon prefeed from a mate fed them up for a week by then id go up to top them up & the plastic stations were getting eaten & fur here n there last day id crush up the prefeed in a medium sized pile with 10 or so pea sized blobs of green goo in amongst it that tricked them good & proper one station 15 coons I had around 25 stations they didn't all have that many but the point was proven they where there they just weren't stupid & sometimes they are once I ventured into some new country in nth Canterbury (mid june) for a test run took me a hour walking to get to where I wanted to be started in manuka then into the black beech I did up 1 spur & down another so about 3 hrs , some of the runs I came across in places didn't even have any leaves on them just bare dirt ! so I did my line marking it with toilet paper couldn't believe my luck in the wee hours of the morning the stars disappeared it started pissing down on & off for 2 days day 3 it cleared midday so didn't leave me with much time but off I went ever tried to follow washed in toilet paper lol I don't recommend it ...not good but man there was death possums stacked all over the show I skinned around 100 of the bigger ones & that included dodging the wasps that got me half way around the line & I didn't do anything more than laying poison & lure to get them Good luck

  7. #7
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    Feb 2017
    Thanks for the replies guys. I think I'll look into the poison.

    Guess I'll update my thread on how I'm doing like I said I was going to do.

    So basically I knew almost nothing about possums before I started doing this.
    I done my research online, got a lot of help from this forum and asked as many questions as I could think of to people that had experience. Then I got the basic gear and started trapping.
    (12 traps)
    First day I went out I found a track and thought it looked good so on that bases I laid all my ten traps along it (it was about 100m long lol).
    First day nothing, was pretty gutted!
    Second day I got 1!
    Third day 0
    Forth day 0
    Then it rained. and rained. and rained.

    After the rain i moved all my traps and started spending time while i was in the bush looking for signs of possums and good trees etc. I guess just from all the stuff i've read, heard and seen I had started to piece the puzzle together and make more educated decisions on that basis. And its been working I'm still on 12 traps but this is how its went since.
    mon 13th- 2
    tue 1
    wed 2
    thur 2
    fri 3
    mon (today) 4!

    For anyone that's getting into this. From my 2 week experience lol

    Keep trying, its trial and error, trial and error. Every trap that isn't catching isn't a loss because its information that possums aren't there. Use all the information your given and act on it.
    Look for signs on the tree's (scratch marks) they are very easy to spot once you actually study the tree for a few seconds. You'll soon start realising if they are fresh ones or not.
    I've found that google earth is a very helpful tool, lets me see the land and mark each of my traps on there and also keep a record of how each one is doing.
    Keep moving traps that aren't catching! I've had to move every one of them bar 1 that I put up after the rain (some more than once). You can see how my numbers each night are getting better this is because of this I'm sure. I've got about 7 that I'm happy with now some of them need more reassurance but they are getting kept even if they don't catch tomorrow. The rest of them are getting moved unless they catch tomorrow but even then, I feel like there's better places to be sticking them from the information I'm getting from my other traps deeper in the bush.

    I've still barely even scratched the surface of this land , ill need to see what the numbers are like by the end of the week but probably going to get 15 more traps next week.

    Anyway I better stop babbling before I put somebody off, I'm getting right into it maybe even becoming slightly obsessed. Back out in the morning cant wait!

    308, Biggun708 and FatLabrador like this.

  8. #8
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    Try and track down a book called "Trappers, dogs and deer" pretty sure that it has some very good advice about trapping possums, what to look for when placing traps. Try the library before buying it.

  9. #9
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Graham marshal was my favourite books , possum trapping in new zealand

  10. #10
    Member nightshooter's Avatar
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    don't be afraid to try difrent lure's,some guy's will add thing's like iceing suger or milk powder.in some place's diffrent lure work better good luck mate it will not be easy

  11. #11
    Member Sparrow's Avatar
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    Thanks for taking the time to post this thread Scotsman it's a good follow and some good knowledge coming in which I am taking in also, I've been trapping a few recreationally and messing about learning to tan the skins for a wee home project which was coming along nicely til the pup got hold of it...... Any way I digress.

    For those in the know, if you are just plucking the possums you get in small numbers how long can you hang on to the fur to accumulate a decent weight to sell or does it have a use by ?and a best way to store it ,cheers again Scotsman and every one else good luck!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sparrow View Post
    Thanks for taking the time to post this thread Scotsman it's a good follow and some good knowledge coming in which I am taking in also, I've been trapping a few recreationally and messing about learning to tan the skins for a wee home project which was coming along nicely til the pup got hold of it...... Any way I digress.

    For those in the know, if you are just plucking the possums you get in small numbers how long can you hang on to the fur to accumulate a decent weight to sell or does it have a use by ?and a best way to store it ,cheers again Scotsman and every one else good luck!
    Some say they get weavels in the fur bag.
    Iv always hung the bag and never got them. And kept it for quite a while.
    Make sure the hair is dry too. No doubt mold etc.
    So yeah, you could get weavels after some time, look into that. I never have. But apparently you see the likes of dust or something in the bottom of the bag, they eat the fur I think they say. Maybe storing in a freezer would be OK?
    Sparrow likes this.

  13. #13
    Member nightshooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sparrow View Post
    Thanks for taking the time to post this thread Scotsman it's a good follow and some good knowledge coming in which I am taking in also, I've been trapping a few recreationally and messing about learning to tan the skins for a wee home project which was coming along nicely til the pup got hold of it...... Any way I digress.

    For those in the know, if you are just plucking the possums you get in small numbers how long can you hang on to the fur to accumulate a decent weight to sell or does it have a use by ?and a best way to store it ,cheers again Scotsman and every one else good luck!
    i keep my fur for up to a year,paper rubbish bags help with mould and a spray on the outside to help with weavel's
    Sparrow likes this.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Ha reading this thread while a possum is screaking in the garden. Think he's chowing down on acorns.

  15. #15
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    ground cloves cinaman and flour worked for me when i was trapping
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