yup mooseman is right.also if theres a breeding doe round and shes randy ,the bucks will go stir crazy like stags and the noise of snarls or scraps is a dead friggin giveaway-I had a 3 cell torch clamped to my stirling.22 and it was spot on .more than one buck fell outof a tree after sitting up screaming at me ,and getting a terminal.22 blowjob that curbed his sex drive permanently.
look for abandoned fruit trees -the jackos love that fruit ,and looking through my photos im bloody sure i nailed more than one who may have been a tad pissed from gutsing out on fermenting /rotten fruit.vegetable peelings is good bait too-my late dad shot many a jacko who d paid a visit to mums peelings bucket (intended for our xmas porker)in the old family home on the coast.he also dealt with a few who got into his shed rafters and tried to tell him how to chop kindling wood.
brother and i trapped as kids-flour with aniseed was the bait ,and the back of a tomahawk or our leadhead studded lenght of rimu applied btween the eyes stopped em dead -trapline -check before schoolin mornings -leave dead to cooloff during day -jacket skinand takc out after school.we bought our 1st watches -alphas &6.13s.6d from our possum skin money (1966).
dont see many these days-im dying to get a screamer buck lined up for a 3"no2 steel 12g blowjob-itll come!
all the best.