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Thread: possum trapping

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Be aware of IRD ,the moment you sell one skin /kilo of fur they will hit you.More especially if some-one see's you trying to do what you're planning. The levies the IRD can slap on you you won't believe ,ACC ,GST ,Tax on estimated earnings (as they see it) .Be careful ,keep your paper work up. WINZ & IRD talk to each other . You've already talked to WINZ about it haven't you.
    My personal opinion I wouldn't go there a 2nd time ,not enough money in it now.You'd be better off on wages ,even minimum adult wage.
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  2. #17
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    Be aware of IRD ,the moment you sell one skin /kilo of fur they will hit you.More especially if some-one see's you trying to do what you're planning. The levies the IRD can slap on you you won't believe ,ACC ,GST ,Tax on estimated earnings (as they see it) .Be careful ,keep your paper work up. WINZ & IRD talk to each other . You've already talked to WINZ about it haven't you.
    My personal opinion I wouldn't go there a 2nd time ,not enough money in it now.You'd be better off on wages ,even minimum adult wage.
    Hi Chris I am pretty sure pests like our coon (tree monkey) aren't taxed any more.

    But saying that when I was a kid we got taxed on them, and recently just had a meeting with the accountant and he wanted my personal IRD no and I rattled it off like no tomorrow as I new my number from kid days when the thieving govt still robbed me
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  3. #18
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Death and taxes Dundee. Isn't equitable but you can't escape it.
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  4. #19
    Member 6MMBR's Avatar
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    Well if you want to talk about taxes, if IRD want to be arse holes they can tax you for the rest of your life. ( any connecting ties to nz )
    I've been in Africa for a few years now, and im now a resident ,due to haveing a nz drivers and fire arms licence , I also have a few belongings in nz , a rifle and shotgun ,technically I can be taxed on my off shore income (yet I only travel to nz to go bush ,)

  5. #20
    ebf is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6MMBR View Post
    Well if you want to talk about taxes, if IRD want to be arse holes they can tax you for the rest of your life. ( any connecting ties to nz )
    I've been in Africa for a few years now, and im now a resident ,due to haveing a nz drivers and fire arms licence , I also have a few belongings in nz , a rifle and shotgun ,technically I can be taxed on my off shore income (yet I only travel to nz to go bush ,)
    that sounds very weird.

    from the IRD website:
    Non-residents are only liable for New Zealand tax on income from New Zealand sources. For tax purposes you are a non-resident if you are away from New Zealand for more than 325 days in any 12-month period, and do not have an enduring relationship with New Zealand.

    i'm sure if you speak to an accountant you could get that sorted out pretty quick.
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  6. #21
    Member 6MMBR's Avatar
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    Non residents withholding tax man.
    I've been an expat for 8 years (story of my life with IRD ) and I haven't made a cent in nz in that time.
    an enduring relationship is family ties, or even been a member of deerstalker or fish and game.

  7. #22
    ebf is offline
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    do you have a bank account in NZ that is earning interest ?
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  8. #23
    Member 6MMBR's Avatar
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    No I don't have a bank account in any western country, The pricks still find you

  9. #24
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    The bastards will hunt you down where ever you go & if your setting up a business like this expect to have any support from Winz terminated .Probably take minimum of 6 months to get it back.
    Like any business your up for GST , ACC levies & tax in all income .
    I remember it being 25% on possum skins ,doubt if that figure has changed either.
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  10. #25
    Member 6MMBR's Avatar
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    I sell fur for extra wiskey money in NZ,it's a rip off when I'm home. Should we talk about tax on beer,
    it's off track but how can a bottle of fiddick be 80 bucks in nz , and with no tax in duty free its 40' so apparently 50% tax,,
    how come I can by a 40 oz bottle of fiddick that has tax on it in Tanzania for 8 bucks...

  11. #26
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Pall mall 20s were 2 pesos last time i was in Arge
    I came back with one and a half suitcases of em

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    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

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  12. #27
    Member 6MMBR's Avatar
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    PICK believe it a carton of smokes is 6 bucks hear

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dundee View Post
    Hi Chris I am pretty sure pests like our coon (tree monkey) aren't taxed any more.

    But saying that when I was a kid we got taxed on them, and recently just had a meeting with the accountant and he wanted my personal IRD no and I rattled it off like no tomorrow as I new my number from kid days when the thieving govt still robbed me
    you can actualy claim for expensis from trapping so if you want to live in the bush and trapp go hard i say, some of us have mortgages and kids and a wife but back before that if i had a chance id do it!!!!, more for lifestyle than money.

  14. #29
    Member 6MMBR's Avatar
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    How much can be made a month if you get 100 traps and a premo spot ? And bowl a few with a 22 as well

  15. #30
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6MMBR View Post
    How much can be made a month if you get 100 traps and a premo spot ? And bowl a few with a 22 as well

    Thats a tricky one but average 18 to 20 possoms make a kilo of fur and @ $110-$115
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction

    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive



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