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Thread: Unusual possum tail ??

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2020
    South Otago
    I have caught a few like that around Manapouri, some were half tails others less so.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    40yrs ago we lived on a farm over home (the coast)./landlord urged me to get my FAL and assume possum control
    shot many and loved it .A couple i remember -one a very fat wee prick ,very vocal who had at least 3 different colour bands on his tail-hardcase mate reckoned hed been pissing on a dulux colour chart! Hmmm Im inclined to think possibly some sort of genetic throwback.
    the other was a huge+++specimen I shot who measured 3' from tail to ears .He was grossly obese and try as i might i could never ever totally get rid of the fat on his skin even after prolonged treatment. That skin stunk to high heaven so alas was given the flick. Shot four one afternoon less than 25m from the cockies milking shed as he was milking -possums fondeness for sex and gangbangs proved their undoing as .22 blowjobs are fatal! cockie arrived on the scenesaw the evidence was very chuffed!!
    Dundee likes this.



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