U know what happens next @viper whats the dets on that rifle
U know what happens next @viper whats the dets on that rifle
What kind of action, brand of the rifle. Semi ?
Geez I must be getting old, sorry mate but really couldn't figure the lingo out.
The rifle is a French Unique , not made any more. They were from my understanding imported into NZ till the early to mid 80's and even back then they were around or over $1000
Very very accurate and mine has proved very reliable with some seasons of up to 800 rounds before a jam.
Trigger is pretty average but the rest is top notch. Nice balance and a few little design quirks such as being able to make it a single shot if required.
There have been some discussions on here about them and a few other forum members have them.
At the farm yesterday morning without a real rifle - looked out the window first thing and see a rabbit about 20m down the drive - got out the Cooey and gave him a fright - but he buggared off - so checked out the Victor boxes - yeah - a wee bunny special size for a cage
Up the Park this morning to check my trap run -
Sentinels don’t take prisoners - he didn’t enjoy that
I put that there for a possum - silly buggar eating a piece of apple - he stinks
Got four of these buggars - five days since I was there last - just about lost my breakfast
What was the bait that lured the rabbit @time out?
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
@Dundee - I am using Connovation Smooth in a Tube on everything at present - blue stuff - seems good but their large plastic tubes are hard to manage - they now make smaller tubes
I suspect the silly bunny was just heading down a tunnel - they often go down my ponga runs - a Fenn6 in the middle - no bait - just trying to get a stoat - but often get a bunny - or a hog
This one snapped a hog recently - but I am leaving him to dry out a bit - bastard things to get out of a Fenn - even when you slide the springs off
@time out did ya youse bunny as bait
OK so it wasn't today but a couple of weekends ago. Finally caught up with a rabbit on the farm where I shoot possums. The farmer had been telling me about them for ages. Also the stupid possums still go back to that calling tree. Unfortunately it is now absolutely FU**** might be next years firewood.
Had a successful night out with my son.
@FatLabrador - silly bunny worked well as bait - he ate the lot
Looked small in the back of the Havaheart cage - but he was a big Tom - all the recent ones are straight grey colour - like their Mum
Man - he could hiss and snarl - I have left a tin of sardines for his mates
Trying out some new Connovation lure - Egg Mayo - looks and smells yummy
Loaded a line of ten Victors on the boundary line - been pretty quiet down there so will be interesting to see how it goes
I got another couple of rats on another boundary corner - two traps- two kills every time - going to be hard to have Pest Free NZ
5 starlings and 2 blackbirds out bedroom window with the air rifle 7 shots.....that'll learn them to stay off my garden.
@time out have you tried modifying your victors by raising the springs and have a kill bar. I don it to a cheap trap.
I haven’t bothered to modify them @FatLabrador although a trapper friend lifts them a few mm
I reckon Victor operates in a world market and their traps work well on a wide range of small animals
I have tested them on a few things including my finger nails - they are fairly severe - when you are checking around fifty traps three times a week - you can make mistakes - but so did the rats
Mourie from MS Woodcraft in Tauranga took this pic a few years back when he was trapping - a Victor will kill a stoat no problem
Landcare have developed a modification for the Victor to ensure a stoat puts its head in the right place for a clean kill - also shows increased spring tension - I see people are making the shroud out of 2l milk bottle containers
Victor on a plank, old 'real estate' plastic signs cut as shroud, mesh over the front