yes it is @Shearer . . . . a good stock shooting off a bipod, got it when they were still under 100US
yes it is @Shearer . . . . a good stock shooting off a bipod, got it when they were still under 100US
without a picture . .. it never happened !
Just been looking at some (left handed) CZ stocks on a NZ site gimp mentioned. I have one on my T3 7mmRM and do like it.
Boyds Gunstocks – The Gun Rack
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
up on the hill today zeroing the .243 with a new DPT Suppressor . . . smashed a couple of bunnies to confirm
Last edited by rossi.45; 30-08-2017 at 06:07 PM.
without a picture . .. it never happened !
Lambing is about to start properly around here, so went on a wee patrol for the neighbour this afternoon. Popped a couple of black-backed gulls and a hawk, all picking over lamb carcasses.. fine until they start graduating to live but weak ones. Longest shot according to google earth was about 260 metres. 223 closing the distance there..
Google Earth? Can u use this as a range finder for something ¿
Yep, zoom in on the area you want, select the icon in the top bar that looks like a ruler, then select 'line' in the pop-up and click once at each end of the shot. That should give you a distance which you can then change the unit on to your liking. Metres/yards/kilometres etc..
ok cheers, your certainly good at estimating range/holdover then . . . good shooting
without a picture . .. it never happened !
Absolutely illegal to kill falcons, and there's no reason to do so.
Harriers/Hawks are legal to kill if they are harassing or harming stock. Lambing time is a pretty critical time for this, sadly. Shot another hawk on the farm a few weeks ago, after it had opened up the guts on a sick sheep while it was still alive.
I believe they are ozzie imports like crows, magpies, and the lovely spurwing plover along with a few others