Another one for the old gun and ammo shot at 35 meters
Another one for the old gun and ammo shot at 35 meters
a few pics of the property i gained access to this week . . . a few paddocks at the front and then scrub, tracks all over the place and more scrubby hillside at the back, thousands of acres in total
mostly shooting standing up close with sadly only a couple of longer shots for the 50 shot . . . won't be taking this rifle back there, something a bit handier
one of the many tracks thru the place . . .
30+ Goats seen . . . no pics of the Fallow seen, 1 at 25yrds the other 10 up in the hills
the funny part is i was told the farmer is not into shooters on the place which i believed going by the NO SHOOTING signs at the gate and all along the road . . . thought i would ask anyway, was surprised with the ' go for it " probably didnt do any harm having my partner along a local girl . . . moral of the story is give it a go ya never know
Last edited by rossi.45; 06-10-2017 at 07:46 PM.
without a picture . .. it never happened !
not crazy numbers like Cromwell, took me 3 hours to get 50ish
the 2 properties across the road are over run, little buggers are everywhere in huge numbers, still need to chase that up.
good your getting out there doing it @viper . . . hope to see pics etc
Last edited by rossi.45; 06-10-2017 at 08:07 PM.
without a picture . .. it never happened !
Did you get permission from Dale or Craig? Got permission to shoot there a couple of years ago but never really took it up, kicking myself for not getting around and doing a few evenings there. You might find the operator 'up the hill' is working till near 7 during height of summer.
Overcast afternoon but very still, plenty about. 45 shot with 23 being nailed without moving.
@ Rossi.45, just to show you I am doing my bit on the other end of the gorge
Something different for you
Just got back from 9 days hunting squirrels in Illinois
40+ shot this evening with subs
got further down the farm this evening where its more open so a few longer shots to be had, pity about the wind tho . . .
keep up the good work @viper . . . if we shoot a few million more we might get on top of it.
Last edited by rossi.45; 09-10-2017 at 10:52 PM.
without a picture . .. it never happened !
Finally managed to get out last night. It’s been a very long time. Took a Korean friend who had never been hunting before. Slim pickings, but we managed two rabbits and a possum. I prepared the rabbits for him and he took them home. He seemed quite excited about eating them!
I was off to the gym but the day was perfect in central, rather be pulling the trigger than pushing the weights tonight.
Shot this version, would have to be one of the coolest looking rabbits I have shot. Not Ginger and not Albino, somewhere in the middle, eyes were quite red / pink in the sun.
Nearly didn't shoot it as it looked awesome in the paddock.
36 shot.![]()
theres only one thing better than shooting . . .
more shooting
without a picture . .. it never happened !
Couple of very small "Varmints" shot by the lad. 140 Yds with a very strong wind from the 9. Great for him to learn to hold for wind and he smacked em nicely. First one in the shoulder, second one in the ear and out he neck. Thanks to @Sasquatch and @Maca49 for the accurate rigs! Taken from a ridge behind him in the second photo.
3 hares and a rabbit sat evening the sidekick didn't make this time after an afternoon at the river chasing whitebait and his mates about, the new can made a noticeable difference but still not "quiet" I suppose due to me choosing wmr quiet enough though.
Dog has been eating like a queen and we had a bloody good rabbit supper tonightthat I put in the cooking bit if anyone wants an idea.