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Thread: What little pesties did you bowl over today?

  1. #6901
    Member Flyblown's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Lets play spot the dead goat in this picture, 1970s “Spot the Ball” style. You can draw circles around them and post it off for a crap prize if you like. Clue: there are four.

    Lots of fun taking down the goaty pestulence. Took all day to find them and a helluva lot of up the hill, down the hill, up the damned hill, back down... again... and again.... but found them in the end.

    Soooo many deer around, not interested in deer this time round though, can’t even fit a loaf of bread in the freezer at the moment. They ain’t going anywhere...

    After the first salvo, the rest of the mob popped out of the native at a tad over 500m, took two of them out at 530 and 540m with the Creedmoor, always satisfying especially with a bit of wind about.

    Still some more to remove, will be after them tomorrow with the .243, a bit of closer-in action I think, now I know where they are.

  2. #6902
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Way East of D'Vagas
    Got big doe in the trap I won in last years swamp comp,gotta be worth a box of beer.
    Name:  picture 01 1353.jpg
Views: 332
Size:  164.4 KB
    BeeMan, kukuwai, Paddy79 and 1 others like this.
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction

    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive

  3. #6903
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Dundee View Post
    Got big doe in the trap I won in last years swamp comp,gotta be worth a box of beer.
    Attachment 92197
    Who is going to give you a box of beer for it?
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  4. #6904
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Hawkes Bay
    The box of beer would look more valuable than that "carefully maintained" rifle..
    Dundee and BRADS like this.

  5. #6905
    Member kukuwai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    Who is going to give you a box of beer for it?
    $10 for the fluff
    $5 for the carcuss from the pet food fellas

    Shit VC thats $15

    Surely you must be able to get two boxes of waikato for that

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    Dundee and Shearer like this.
    Its not what you get but what you give that makes a life !!

  6. #6906
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by kukuwai View Post
    $10 for the fluff
    $5 for the carcuss from the pet food fellas

    Shit VC thats $15

    Surely you must be able to get two boxes of waikato for that

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    Ah....Maybe Im a bit out of touch....I used to get around 12-15 possums per kilo but only plucked basically the outside as the buyer didnt want any tail or belly hair at that time.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  7. #6907
    .243 addict
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    Feb 2017
    You would only get Waikato for that.
    veitnamcam, Dundee and Shearer like this.

  8. #6908
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Way East of D'Vagas
    Basically Bush fur buyers pay $20 a green skin but I plucked the big bugger and are slowly fulling up a sack.$120kg now I must borrow @vipers scales cause I think mine are out.
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction

    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive

  9. #6909
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by 6x47 View Post
    The box of beer would look more valuable than that "carefully maintained" rifle..
    You mean the 500 yard precision sniper special 22 LR (long range) super accurate??? I am sure Dundee will never part with it.
    Dundee likes this.

  10. #6910
    Rabbit Herder StrikerNZ's Avatar
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    Dropped this heavy-duty buck roo with the .17 while cleaning up rabbits last night.

    Name:  IMG_2021.jpg
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Size:  433.9 KB
    Dundee, gadgetman, Shearer and 5 others like this.

  11. #6911
    Rabbit Herder StrikerNZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Badbootboy View Post
    I hope that wasn't a family member @StrikerNZ
    Of the one in my profile pic? Second cousin, now removed.
    gadgetman, Shearer and Badbootboy like this.

  12. #6912
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Way East of D'Vagas
    Caught a rear breed of the feathered variety of the marsupial Australasian invasion today.
    Name:  picture 01 1371.jpg
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    gadgetman, FatLabrador and BeeMan like this.
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction

    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive

  13. #6913
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    West NSW Australia
    Gday you mob, haven’t posted much for a couple of years, been busting a few crows lately trying to keep them off this years lambs.

    Brno601 in 22-250ai 50gn zmax at 3800fps

    Zastava 20-222 32gn max at 3950fps

    Zastava 222 50gn max at 3390fps

    Just a few, various ranges from under 100 yds to 380 odd, they give a very satisfying WOP

  14. #6914
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Been tossing out skins and entrails from rabbits for a couple days and the bait station is now self sufficient curtesy of my 223 ackley mounted on the deck ~150 yards away. Vmax 53s spreading some white love on the hill.

    Name:  831B3F37-C8C6-4BFA-A49D-DC7ABBC47933.jpeg
Views: 451
Size:  4.84 MB
    Dundee and Shearer like this.

  15. #6915
    Rabbit Herder StrikerNZ's Avatar
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    South Canterbury
    ~35m with .17HMR and Thermal scope. Probably prouder of this than I should be..

    Name:  IMG_2033.jpg
Views: 365
Size:  696.0 KB



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