Stunning weather at the moment ,rabbits everywhere.
New Ruger is really going well the action is smoothing out and settling in.
Stunning weather at the moment ,rabbits everywhere.
New Ruger is really going well the action is smoothing out and settling in.
.22 LR , I couldn't afford to run a magnum here mate and with the numbers there's no need.
Run a 17 HMR for longer work out to 180mtrs.... after that I just walk up closer.
I have run a 222 and 223 but the reloading is soul destroying and the time vs economics's don't add my ammo is paid for by the farmer.
After the last virus failure I 'm his best weapon and friend![]()
Made a sweet 121m connection on a Magpie yesterday, even better that my son was sitting in the car next to me when I did it so there was a witness! This older JW is starting to earn a healthy respect.
first shot of the evening . . . longest hit 170yrds. Winchester PowerPoints
without a picture . .. it never happened !
They are always few and far between , the Ruger it's it first Black Rabbit under it's belt![]()
I was deliberately leaving a black bunny alone near our cattle yards but arrived home the other day to see the stripped remains of his carcase strung over a fence. I suspect the cat has killed and half eaten him, and a hawk has dragged the rest off![]()
Having fun on the magpies, bunnies and hares with the CZ 455 Varmint, shooting CCI Standard Velocity.
Up to around 25-26 magpies from the same sociable spot on the deck - they mob up and fly around the homestead about 45-60 mins after first light, and land in the same trees over and over. Whack whack whack. Very predictable birds, in terms of their behaviour. Using dead ones as a lure works every time, just prop them up on a piece of bent wire.
The mob is looking a bit light on numbers now, only 4-5 left. Longest with the .22LR so far, 141m. Occasionally I cheat, if I can see one trying to hide at about 200m+ over the river, I blow it up with the .223. No mercy!
Got another 1 today to go with the 2 I got last week
Took the 17WSM for a walk
These three plus 3 rabbits and a possum not pictured coz the battery died but it did happen
Good night out 5 wallaby 3 rabbits 30+ possums and a spiker all shot with .22 Mag and Winchester 40 gr JHP.
Velocity is thrilling,but diameter does the real killing.
I went out this morning for another rabbit shoot, started spotlighting at 5 am then got a few when it turned light as well.
More back straps for the Pud to make him big and strong
Looks like it's working![]()
When hunting think safety first
2 more magpies today, streched the legs on the ruger out to 120 yards, proving deadly so far
Gotta love those moments when you just cant miss - helping out the neighbour with a bunny problem - <2 mins work, job done!