Another hare this evening with Bo and my trusty Stiirling .22
Another hare this evening with Bo and my trusty Stiirling .22
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
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On the farm track again with Bo.
Spotted a couple of hares.
Along way off but the stirling and Bo brought the goods home!
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
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Asked you this the other day - what ammunition are you using in the Stirling?
Shot 4 big roos last night and one biggish cat from about 140 yds to 180yds,cat was stalking rabbits but the rabbits were watching him too.Watched one roo having a piss,thermo could see his piss all over the ground.Then bang flop at about 160yds.Was clearly watching rabbits out to 400yds thru clip on,on day scope.Sorry no photos.
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps:// wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
Cool arvo in the valley today - perfect conditions after a really unsettled spell with strong easterlies. A brisk noon walk to get to a nice sunny, warm pozi overlooking the back paddocks - it's always good for some long range bunnies, hares and magpies. Took the wife, #1 son, a packed lunch, the .223 Rem and the .22LR. Time for a spot of varminting.
We knocked out two 10 shot mags on a couple of warrens at ~220m and ~240m that had a shed load of spring bunnies hopping around in the sun, which is a bit of a worry. Haven't seen that many bunnies over there before, ever. Really wish we'd taken the video gear, would have been fun. Was great to have kaka getting it on just behind us, definitely feeling sexy those two. Spring has sprung. Lots of pukekos shagging in the sun, "mad March" hares chasing each other around. Longest shot of the day was the wife with this fine 335m hare with the 50gr Z-Max.
I've got Piriformis Syndrome in my right hip again which is literally a pain the arse... so after sitting around in the sun for 4 hrs waiting for bunnies to re-appear, I needed a walk. We headed back with the late afternoon sun behind us, picking off a couple of bunnies here and there. #1 son spotted a bunny at 93m and set up the .22LR - ranged, dialled and... dead. That's his personal best so far with subs, he's a calm dead eye that one. The ammo is great when it bloody works!
Perfect L3 afternoon. When we got home in the last of the light, #2 son was exactly where we'd left him, sitting in his "racing" chair, helmet and racing suit on, flat out around Spa on the PS4 F1 2021. He's a nutter. He hadn't fed the dogs, or made dinner.
Longest shot of the day and only shot of the day 15yards..Light was so low i missed the 1st shot and guessed the 2.3mil of holdover needed for 15yards for the second shot. Headshot just under the eye, resulted in a backflip and lights out.
Had my 6yo Daughter spotting for me.
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After purchasing a Voere 222 some time back and that rifle not working out, I purchased a lovely little CZ 527 in 222
Getting a load development done for this took a bit of time due to work and other rifles taking priority.
Finally I got out with her with something other than paper in the crosshairs. The Hares don’t much like the 50gr v-max lol
I’m having trouble finding another packet so I’ve just purchased some 52gr rounds from TARGEX to see how they go.
The V-max have shot groups as tight as 0.33moa but mostly they’re 0.5-0.7moa Obviously I’d like to see a genuine sub 0.5moa load so I can stretch the rifle out to 400+yds
These were taken at 120yds and 165yds
Got invited out last night. No deer but these two wont be bothering anything again.
Got another one but didn’t want to disturb the area with flash photography.
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
2 of the 6 tonight. Longest shot today 138yards 17hmr.. Broccoli protection..
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Threw a load together today using some 64g federal projectiles that were sitting on the shelf and they shot paper good. While I was wrapping up for the day a couple of those squawky bastards turned up out behind my 100m target so estimated the range at 260m and slotted the first and then a couple of shots to smash the 2nd one. Gave the 2nd one a bit too many meters.
257m and 267m
My home made shooting bench made out of old shit lying around
Out for a walk with the .22LR last night, these were the ones I managed to recover.
Still getting used to the thermal scope, it's quite a challenge to get the range right through it. So there were a few lucky escapees. But I'm getting there
Practice makes perfect,enjoy.