Yep and you just killed the lawn mowers
Yep and you just killed the lawn mowers
When hunting think safety first
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps:// wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
Ah the sun came out and the hairs were out too
Nice and windy so ideal for the 22 wmr
Hairs / Hares
My spell check clearly doesn't hunt
After hammering the magpies for the last couple of years, the numbers have been a fraction of what they used to be and the valley has been much quieter. Have hardly heard a bird all winter and it was totally quiet through the autumn. Yesterday, they came back.
Interesting that the boss bird has a completely different call to anything I’ve heard here before. I was keen to record it, but unfortunately he’s dead. Counted 10 birds in the mob this morning, got five here with another two hung up in the trees, and one that the hawk got to before I picked it up. So two more to get tomorrow.
(Mrs Hawk turned up within seconds of me playing the first distress call. She knows that breakfast will be served… soon.)
Hunting with vintage rifle scopes is great
You can see and shoot well out to a decent distance
But it's hard to tell how big the target is !
Let's just call this essence of rabbit
Certainly not a meal for two
Hare. .22 air rifle. klarus fh10 red/green/white light torch.Scope mounted picatinny, quick release torch mount.33m. Picked up on red light, difficult to see cross hairs so switched to green. Green light spooked hare started to run, tried the old whistle trick ( which is pretty hit and miss) it worked. shot connected.
The whistle almost always works on rabbits when done right but when Hares are on the move they usually won't stop until they find a place to hide that they think you haven't seen.
what's the correct way? I have very limited success
Shot this over a year ago while stalking another wallaby when this one popped its head up about 10m away from me. Slocked a pellet straight between the ears when it turned its head.
Hatsan 125 Sniper in .25cal (break barrel), JSB Exact King 25.39grains doing 720fps