My neighbors daughter and son-inlaw own the Station boundering the Molesworth
He is up there now
Last time he was up there he watched them dart and collar Deer for the above
So will let you know what the story is when he returns end of week
The report hugely understates the number of dead deer seen by both helicopter pilots and the observers - Dont know why NZDA would allow that to be the case.
There is absolutely no trust between hunters and DOC/Ospri,and nor should there be given what has transpired.
On the flip side, sounds like there is a minimal attempt to monitor deer deaths and movements prior to the next round of 1080.
If required, it will allow Sage to state publicly that DOC are acting in "good faith".
So long story short, between 1700 and 1800 deer poisoned
Lots of ifs and buts and guesswork in that report. Then Ospri tell them to f off anyway.
Money well spent ?
Interesting that the toxicology report says test for brodi, yet it reports fluroacetate. I wonder if page 2 which isnt included records the presence of that.
Good science and an aparrently unbiased report.
I'm a part owner of the report.(it was funded through give-a-little)
Im very happy to see it published at last. if it does nothing else at least it has got the 1080 deer by-kill issue back into the press. DOC & Ospri will not to be uninfluenced by it even if they are reluctant to engage with NZDA.
Im not vehemently anti 1080 but this un-mitigated slaughter was a bridge too far.
Cindy and Nash will love it. No deer means no hunters, no hunters means no guns. no guns means NZ is so much safer (cough).
"we" using the royal "we" could take a leaf out of SAFE's play book. Get people (the "we" again) with cameras, phones, drones or what ever into the area of next drop and get video footage of deer suffering & dying a slow, painful and awful deaths. Then get that onto national TV.