I am putting one in,not sure if i will have enough numbers so pm if want before I confirm
I am putting one in,not sure if i will have enough numbers so pm if want before I confirm
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
This could be a bit annoying if an AATH operator decides he / she likes the look of your block !
Aerial-assisted trophy hunting using a helicopter will be permitted in the Wilderness Areas during part of the ballot period.
Apart from this, no helicopter wild-animal carcass or live recovery for deer, chamois or tahr is allowed during the ballot period in the Wilderness Areas. If you see any of this happening, record as much information as possible including helicopter registration (numbers and letters displayed on the machine) photos or video footage, and report this to the nearest DOC office as soon as possible so there can be an investigation.
Yep we had 2 choppers in our block and the next block taking animals during our Ballot this year.
One did two trips and the other one trip.
Certainly annoyed the sht out of us as we watched them go over the faces we had been doing.
Them flying over our camp with animal underslung was ultimate insult.
I've thrown my hat into the ring. Should be interesting.
"I heard Jesus did cocaine on a night out. Eyes wide-open, dialated, but he's fine now. And if his father ever finds out, then he'd probably knock his lights out...
Gets a little messy in heaven "
- Venbee
Usually its only period 7 and 8 they allow the choppers in, so if you don't want to risk having one show up, go for earlier periods, or find out what blocks they don't bother with. In my experience the early periods and the last periods are usually pretty good, periods 3-6 can sometimes be a bit of a lul as the animals have gotten weary, then the last two periods theres animals moving about a lot from block to block as theyre getting sick of being pressured so it becomes a bit of a lucky dip, can be nothing on a face one day then the next a new group comes over the ridge
I thought the choppers were allowed in from period 5 onwards
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Dont waste your time chasing every last fps, it doesnt matter in the real world, it wont make a difference, all it will do is cause head aches and frustrations. And dont listen to silly old cunts
Who got a block?
Our party leader received notification today our application was successful.
I wounder if the chopper will turn up in our block again.
I also found out that the very same chopper turned up in the same block when Josh James and Smiddy had it the week before us.
Anyway looking forward to it.
Dont waste your time chasing every last fps, it doesnt matter in the real world, it wont make a difference, all it will do is cause head aches and frustrations. And dont listen to silly old cunts
Its a great block. Hardest thing I struggled with was the almost permanently frozen rocks, riverbed and slides that made the going fricken hard. It was welcome the couple of showers that came through and thawed the rocks. Only to be frozen again next day. Im personally hoping to get something to put on the wall this time.
missed out again bugger it.
I read an article by points south suggesting application numbers were well down??
The application number would suggest otherwise but who knows.
Save our Tahr. They belong in the southern alps.
Nor me..