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Thread: 22 mag for goats?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by schwen View Post
    In hindsight, if I was using the semi 22WMR with a 10 shot mag instead of the bolt action 223 I reckon I would have got them all. The first shot was the longest.
    Are you suggesting that a semi-auto is more effective at culling animals? Wow, brave move (but completely accurate).

    As far as the goats, be aware that you got four of the five of the only mob you found - those things came from somewhere and they did not teleport in. There will be more!!!!!

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I have shot a few goats and more than a few wallabies with the 22Mag but always went back to the 243 .
    Never had much faith in the 50 Gr 22Mag.

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  3. #33
    Member Oldbloke's Avatar
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    Agree tedz50, 22mag can do the job no doubt. But no room for error. More bang is better.
    mudgripz, Micky Duck and outlander like this.
    Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests. The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
    A bit more bang is better.

  4. #34
    Member schwen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by No.3 View Post
    Are you suggesting that a semi-auto is more effective at culling animals? Wow, brave move (but completely accurate).

    As far as the goats, be aware that you got four of the five of the only mob you found - those things came from somewhere and they did not teleport in. There will be more!!!!!
    My neighbour saw a mob a couple of weeks ago on his place (I'm thinking the same mob), and he reckons they came from the pine blocks further up the valley. I warned the lifestylers today to look out for goats if they value their fruit trees and to give me a call if they see any. I'm going to carry the semi CZ a lot more now. I took it out this arvo when moving the pregos out of the paddock those goats were in, just on the off chance.....

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    go for a wander at night with a light as well. I often see them when I'm possum shooting on the place I go on
    schwen likes this.
    may be sarcastic may be a bad joke

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Have enjoyed experimenting with heaps of calibers over the decades, and in last 3-4 years bought and thoroughly range and field tested the 22 Magnum. Marlin model 982S heavy barrel. Nice little caliber - I like it. BUT...while mine was capable of 0.3-0.4" groups at 50m for two of us, and 0.7" at 100m, it was quite wind affected and not the rifle I'd pick for head shooting in a range of conditions. Proved ideal in near still conditions for popping light framed bunnies and hares. But would I use it as best caliber for medium frame animals - eg 40-60kg goats? No. 223 and 243 much better.

    It may be old school but the key requirement in caliber choice for any game species is ethical shooting, ethical killing. If we go out there to kill animals - for pest control or meat - we need to make that killing as quick and painless, as humane as possible. 22 magnum 'can' kill some medium frame animals - sometimes - but the kill is much more assured with the much harder hitting 223 or 243. Both the latter ideal also for wider target zone shoulder or lower chest shots. They no longer rely on head shooting.

    22 magnum a fun little round, and may at times drop a wallaby or goat, but its not the ideal caliber this task. I also have 223 and 243 in the closet and would pick one of those every time. I have found the 243 hits hard and drops goats very efficiently.
    TLB likes this.

  7. #37
    Member schwen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudgripz View Post
    Have enjoyed experimenting with heaps of calibers over the decades, and in last 3-4 years bought and thoroughly range and field tested the 22 Magnum. Marlin model 982S heavy barrel. Nice little caliber - I like it. BUT...while mine was capable of 0.3-0.4" groups at 50m for two of us, and 0.7" at 100m, it was quite wind affected and not the rifle I'd pick for head shooting in a range of conditions. Proved ideal in near still conditions for popping light framed bunnies and hares. But would I use it as best caliber for medium frame animals - eg 40-60kg goats? No. 223 and 243 much better.

    It may be old school but the key requirement in caliber choice for any game species is ethical shooting, ethical killing. If we go out there to kill animals - for pest control or meat - we need to make that killing as quick and painless, as humane as possible. 22 magnum 'can' kill some medium frame animals - sometimes - but the kill is much more assured with the much harder hitting 223 or 243. Both the latter ideal also for wider target zone shoulder or lower chest shots. They no longer rely on head shooting.

    22 magnum a fun little round, and may at times drop a wallaby or goat, but its not the ideal caliber this task. I also have 223 and 243 in the closet and would pick one of those every time. I have found the 243 hits hard and drops goats very efficiently.
    The only reason I considered the 22WMR was for the rate of fire from my CZ512 because I wanted to get as many of them as possible the first time they'd been shot at. The reason I opted for the 223 Sako bolt action was for the ethical and humane reasons you describe.
    Shearer and blip like this.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    What ever you use its all about shot placement you can still get inhumane kills with a 223 or 243 or whatever

  9. #39
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    Dec 2011
    Am a real fan for the old 22 magnum and may soon buy another. I enjoy the extra smack over the 22LR putting down big hares at 70-80-100 or so. But not to be compared with 223 etc.

    40ish grain hollow point 22 magnum has retained energy of around 90-165ft/lbs at 100m - ideal for varmints. But .223 has 950-1050 ft/lbs at same distance, while 243 has 1500-1750ft/lbs. Different ball game.. Massive advantage which translates into much greater impact shock, wound channel damage, bullet penetration = which all mean very quick death for a bigger medium frame animals. Last time I went out on goats we were shooting for meat so only head/neck shots. Came on a small mob 125m away on opposite hill face. Got quietly into prone position and popped five in neck and one in head - dropped like stones. That was using a very accurate 243. Would not like to have tried that with little magnum - esp with touch of breeze.

    Fun little caliber though. Just have to take that extra second or three for precision shot placement - and be prepared to let some go until next 243 visit..
    Eat Meater likes this.

  10. #40
    Member Ground Control's Avatar
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    I’ve always owned a .22 mag of some description and have had my current one ( Anschutz) for about 5 years . It is the most accurate.22 mag I’ve ever owned .
    The main reason I’ve had the cartridge is because for a farm / property rifle they are just honest tools that are a definite step up from the .22lr in regards to shooting sick/injured stock etc .
    But to be honest I’ve never really hunted with my .22 magnums because if I’m chasing rabbits or possums then the .22lr is cheaper / quieter, and if I’m after something bigger then the choices start at .223 and go up from there .
    The .22 mag is kind of in “ no mans land “ in regards to effectiveness for me .
    I use it to put things out of their misery at close range , not put them into misery at longer ranges .
    mudgripz, schwen and Eat Meater like this.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    The .22 mag is kind of in “ no mans land “ in regards to effectiveness for me .
    I use it to put things out of their misery at close range , not put them into misery at longer ranges .
    Yep that nails it...

    Its a niche caliber these days. A .22 with extra punch, but nothing like the power of a 223 for bigger game like wallabies, goats.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  12. #42
    Member Shearer's Avatar
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    I think the purpose of the OP was to ask is the 22mag capable of taking a small group of goats at a reasonable range, not is the 22mag the ideal goat cartridge.
    The answer is "yes", if done within the cartridges and shooters abilities.
    Experience. What you get just after you needed it.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    @Shearer, you nailed it, the answer was Yes. We've all got our opinion on 22 mag. It will do the job for a competent shooter. As I've already posted, lost count of goats shot with that caliber. Do I still use one? No, if neccessary I use down-loaded 223 rounds in similar situations to where I used 22 mag.I think there are a few members on here who could benefit from reading "Small Game Hunting in NZ" by Brad Parkes. Might open a few minds/eyes.
    Micky Duck, schwen and blip like this.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Oh for a semi for large mobs at short range. And I guess this was the question.

    I know I have dumped 5 goats from 5 shots from my Sav 99 lever action in 243 with down loaded 58gr vmax's at 2400 fps, was only 5-10 mtr.
    Thats were a 10 shot mag and a 22 mag semi would be just fine. Being down loaded made it much faster to regain a sight picture between shots.
    I did get lucky in that they ran up towards me then across.
    schwen likes this.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2024
    Dunedin, NZ
    Remember you can take the tails to Hunting and Fishing at the moment for the competition
    Springy likes this.



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