Interesting some further detail here re the amax rounds: .30 cal - Hornady A-Max
how would you go about encouraging them to tumble? slower rounds with the heavier projectile in relation to your twist rate?
Interesting some further detail here re the amax rounds: .30 cal - Hornady A-Max
how would you go about encouraging them to tumble? slower rounds with the heavier projectile in relation to your twist rate?
Had thought of shooternz's rounds. Twist rate is 1in9, which as i understand i can shoot up to 69gr projectiles accurately. Not tested them any higher than 62gr at this point as just used the barnal SP ones as they're so accurate and cheap. However at the bail i wouldn't be shooting any further than 20m max, realistically more likely to be 5-10m. Am yet to shoot any further than that at the bail anyway.
A 223 will work but theres better options out there that are better. 44 mag, 44-40,357, 410 with soilds and for some other options a 30/30 is popular. Problem with a 223 is you really need open sights at the bail, prob needs to be suppressed for the dogs, is useless if hits anything (eg twig, scrub) on the way. Big boars have a good shield and some shots that drop them with a 44 mag etc wont work with a 223. My take is a big percentage of pig hunters wouldnt use one because theres just far better options out there.
The ones that do tend to make do with what they got because they cant afford to get another more suitable rifle etc or just cant be bothered buying a second one.
It work but have to ask yourself what your reasons are for wanting to use one as if you are going to be a serious pighunter shooting of the bail often get something that just works better. A 44mag is hard to beat, a 410 with soilds is a great light option and is great to work and a 30/30 is great for more power and range if you want to shoot deer etc as well.
My mate run straight Bailers for around 10 yrs , lever action 30/30 with open sights was his choice . I seen piles of pigs fall to that thing . He could also unload that thing on running pigs with reasonable success out around 100 mts. You can pick them up pretty cheap now & then
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
If using a AR platform like @stretch maybe its that excuse you've been waiting for a 300 Blackout upper as the round ( essentially 308 pill on a cut down .223 cartridge) would do really well in that situation.
I use my 300BLK as my bush rifle as is short barreled, suppressed and can have real fun with sub's. Click / thump.
Using a Ruger Ranch 300 pretty good for what it is...
Cheapest option would probably be a sks
Whats the point of this question?lol Of cause i would use a 243 for a pig at 200 yards, fact is far longer if its not at the bail of cause. many around here use the 410 at the bail, works very well as some home kill guys use them to dispatch pigs as well. Prob the lightest, easiest of the bail Cals to carry and throw around in the tight stuff
lol a .410 using a 87 grn pill at that speed isnt a hell of alot different to your .243 at 200-300 yards both in speed and projectile weight...........
Would a 410 slug even kill a pig at 200 yds
oh FFS !!!!!!!!!!!
I will type it s l o w l y this time
a .410 at 5 yards is similar to a .243 at 200-300 yards small light pill of around 87 grains in weight going around the 1300fps mark.....
and no it wouldnt.....
actually looking at figures in manual a good 85 grn .243 pill starting out at 3100 will get down to that speed at 500 yards give or take a gnats naaasties.
Sorry not being a pig hunter but interested the topic is bailing pigs do you normally shoot them at 200 to 300 yards when they have been bailed not trying to start a internet fight just trying to get my head around the bailing thing