Going to give these a try in November. 5 shot groups are right an inch from my 18” AR and Salvage Hog Hunter.
looking good!!!
244 yds and 60grn Hammer. Angled in a foot behind shoulder. It bolted on the shot and Bella found it about 50 yds away
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
My son and I went for a wander in a popular McKenzie Basin river valley last Friday evening and were pretty fortunate to shoot a Fallow yearling not long after leaving our vehicle. We continued on up the valley, and my son Peter spotted a Red hind lying under some bushes on the edge of a small clearing. He shot her as well with a .223 (Hornady Match 73gr ELD-M).
Imagine our disappointment to find she had been shot through both front legs just below her knees quite some time earlier (more than a week) and had just been left there to die.
That's terrible, you've done her a huge favour
Shit that is rough all right. You did her a favour. Hopefully meat not too tough being so stressed.
75/15/10 black powder matters
No worse than a hind with a new born at foot which gets shot. The fawn turns out if it survives to be a runt no bigger than a large hare.
Ouch. 74 Targex at 270 yds.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
Good thing you didn't hit any big bones with that little bullet
Please tell me that's a yearling red?? If it's not,Bella is getting huge.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Wooow she is a big girl,down a limping yearling easilly.
To the ones that have used it, just after some.more info on the 52gr targex.
Work because they are explodey, tough etc?
Compare vs old school but reliable 55gr hornady sp
They are soft enough to kill small things but hard enough to get adequate penetration on deer. Using BM2 you can sling them real fast and cover off their low(ish) BC - like in the 3250 fps bracket for a 20" barrel. Ideal for the situation where you are shooting rabbits/wallaby/goats but might come across the odd deer.
Way back in the day we used Sierra 52 grn Match in 222/223 'cos they were harder than varmint bullets so penetrated, held together and expanded and you mostly found the little hard base at the end of its travels. The 52 Targex is similar but better.
They are very accurate. Better than the 55 grn Hornady? I think so - they seem better on larger deer . But you are talking about small margins.
Ideal for slow twist barrels.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi